Hashimoto's Disease

Posted by suerte @suerte, Feb 28 10:43am

Just recently through a routine blood test I was diagnosed with "hypothyroidism" which is an underperforming thyroid. High TSH levels. I was put on Levothyroxine and now my thyroid TSH level is back in the normal range.
I have numerous overactive autoimmune systems issues when doing a search for the impact of autoimmune system on the thyroid I came upon this information.
Hashimoto's Disease
Hashimoto's disease, also known as chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland. It is the most common cause of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid).
In Hashimoto's disease, the immune system mistakenly attacks the thyroid gland, leading to inflammation and damage. This damage reduces the thyroid's ability to produce thyroid hormones.

The internet is a dangerous place, and you can diagnose yourself with all kinds of disease. I have no idea if I have Hashimoto's, but only post this to wonder if anyone has actually been diagnosed.

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I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's after cancer in my parotid gland was removed along with all the lymph nodes. The cancer had grown around my facial nerve which was severed so my face is paralyzed on one side. The radiation to my head resulted in damage to my thyroid gland. I was on Levothyroxine for a few years, but it was adjusted every three months when I went in to have the blood work done. Two years ago, they switched me to Armour thyroid (pig fat). I know....that's what I thought lol... but it is actually working. I have not had any problems since. I still have it checked every six months, but it's only been adjusted once and my blood work has leveled out. I am sure it doesn't work on everyone, but it did for me.

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Armour is actually made of desiccated pig thyroid. It is a much better drug for those who do not convert well. It did not work for me, so I take my T4 and T3 separately (Tirosint and Cytomel). I am able to adjust as needed. You definitely have to play around with the meds until you find one that works for you. Good to hear you are doing well on it!


I too was diagnosed with Hashimotos, over 10 plus years ago, and I have a whole slew of autoimmune disorders. I was told that it is common with the thyroid issue. Chrohns, chonic fatigue, arthritis, fibromyalgia to list a few. I am finding that over the years to make these issues, calm down, I have changed many lifestyle factors. ie; diet, exercise, whole foods etc. It has taken many years, but with the right medical provider, or nutritionist, that is knowledgeable in these areas, I have managed to get 2 in remission. Now, it doesnt mean, they are gone, it just means that the flare ups are not currently present, and I listen to how my body responds, I journal constantly to understand my symptoms, progress, etc. I was told at one point, actually given a list of foods to stay away from, which, I was not able to do entirely at that time, but I find, for me, diet and rest are key to staying on track. Also, limit stress, I walk, yoga, meditation, exercise, and drink plenty of water, which I never used to do. It is a long process, but I do one day at a time.


Since Hashis is an autoimmune disease and is attacking your body (a bit over zealous immune system), Hashis does not mean we are immunocompromised.
I have Celiac which is also an AI Disease. When I am gluten free, the body no longer attacks that particular part of the body. Being 100% gluten free IS my treatment/medication for Celiac.
With Hashis, I have found that I can put it in "remission, in a sense", by avoiding inflammatory foods (dairy, nightshades, grains, processed foods, simple carbs, sugar, legumes, seeds and nuts and eggs).
Like with Type 2 Diabetes, rather than depend on meds to keep your blood sugar balanced, a person would be better off changing their diet and take NO meds or a lot less.
So many people want to continue to eat whatever they want and just put a band aid on the symptoms. That makes no sense to me. To each their own. Respectfully.

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That is exactly what I did to control my Hashimoto’s. I stopped eating Gluten, Dairy and Soy over 2 years ago when I was diagnosed. It was a learning experience and I read a great book by Isabella Wentz M.D. who suggested a food elimination. I just don’t eat it any more. I know for most people it would be difficult to do this, but for me it’s a little easier because I can’t taste or smell anything. I lost it with Covid in December of 2022, so easier, not easy. It’s depressing, but I’m learning how to deal with it. It’s like a death, the coping does get a little better. I don’t do bandaids either!


Yes, I was diagnosed over 2 years ago. Have your TPO Antibodies tested, along with T3-Free, T4-Free and TSH. The TPO Antibodies should be 0 is what I’ve been told by my doctor. Mine was 600, but is now in the 80 area. Feeling much better and controlling it by eliminating gluten, dairy and soy and also taking 75 mcg of Synthroid to control my hypothyroidism.


I have a pituitary tumor which I had at age 40. It was a prolactanemia micro adenoma. I developed breast milk and it stopped my periods. I have only had a prolactin blood test in 2022 which was normal but no mri since 2017 and off meds for it since then as well. I’m now 70 years old.
They call my hypothyroidism clinical because it’s acquired from the tumor. I take no meds for the tumor and have not in years so is it acquired or not. If the antibody test is negative then no hashimoto. I just need to understand why I have it. My levels go up and down very often and she orders free t4, t4 and t3 all normal. It’s important to see if this is aiding what I’m assuming is my induced colon motility disorder from long cervical spine surgery in 2021.

I woke from that and never regained use of my bowels. I have only been offered medication or total colectomy. I’ve been to Boston while I lived there and had the 3 fusion cervical spine surgery. Now in Georgia they say nothing they can do. No medication has worked and trust me since 2020 there is not one I haven’t tried. I’ve even taken meds not for this because side effect was diarrhea but it never happened to me. It does help if my tsh stays in the low end of normal meaning my 20 night time laxatives sometimes kick in better but typically I go only every 10-14 days.
I’m totally aware my hypo has nothing to do with why this happened but keeping my levels normal is so important. I just wish a doctor would run tests. They did 2020 through 2021 till I scheduled colectomy September 2021 and canceled it. Still thinking someone will figure this out.


I certainly agree with you. I have been told by so many people, as well as doctors, to “do my research” , For whatever reason. Why am I doing my research? And then when I find something and show it to him, it makes him angry because he thinks that that I have no faith in him. Well that being said, I have SLE as well as Hashimoto’s. I haven’t had my medicine in a few days (maybe 4 days) because I didn’t realize I was out until I was out. So I decided I would go off on my own and purchase a car. I have been virtually stranded for close to one year because of badly injured left Ankle and a recently broken kneecap. What a mistake. Had I have waited and listened to my instinct I would’ve gotten two offers that day because when I got home, I got the phone calls. And it really wasn’t a pleasant experience. (Is it ever?) With cars. I couldn’t see because I am light sensitive and also when I’m inside the house I go from a lit room to a dark room. I’m temporarily blind. I had been there for some time, was doing all right, waited till I woke up from a nap and went out to look at the car with a flashlight. That’s when I saw the flaws, etc.

I was suddenly A raving lunatic. I had turned into my mom! Not that that’s so bad, but I’m wondering if it was because of the Hashimoto’s plus the SLE and the stress of getting the car, could have caused such a reaction. The next day, I was absolutely horrible To everybody at the dealership. That isn’t me. But it was that day.

I just wondered whether anyone else has had a collision like that, or if it was a collision. I do know I was tired, stressed. I didn’t even want to look at the car until after I woke up, that’s when I discovered this 2024 car supposedly brand new, had 30,000 miles on it, and it looks like something happened to it that someone tried to repair it. The doors don’t lineup. The hood seems like it’s been leaned on so it doesn’t line up. And the doors you can tell have been leaned on. So anyway, I called the next day and apologize profusely, but to no avail, oh well. So tomorrow I plan on taking my car in to have it detailed. However, I saw a lot of what looked like the seams in the go around the window like they just didn’t match on window. I could get a screwdriver in with the door shut and the other one. The windshield needs replacing. Now, no, I didn’t notice it. I’m sorry to bother you with that whole ordeal. I just wanted to know really is how do I explain this? It really is not me, but it has happened before and I don’t understand why.

Does anybody else have issues like this? I wasn’t sure which group I wanted to be in with this so I picked this one. Now I am 78 and probably should’ve taken someone but it seemed like it would be so easy. I learned my lesson, but the wild mood swing Anybody else ever have that? I’d like to know thank you.


I certainly agree with you. I have been told by so many people, as well as doctors, to “do my research” , For whatever reason. Why am I doing my research? And then when I find something and show it to him, it makes him angry because he thinks that that I have no faith in him. Well that being said, I have SLE as well as Hashimoto’s. I haven’t had my medicine in a few days (maybe 4 days) because I didn’t realize I was out until I was out. So I decided I would go off on my own and purchase a car. I have been virtually stranded for close to one year because of badly injured left Ankle and a recently broken kneecap. What a mistake. Had I have waited and listened to my instinct I would’ve gotten two offers that day because when I got home, I got the phone calls. And it really wasn’t a pleasant experience. (Is it ever?) With cars. I couldn’t see because I am light sensitive and also when I’m inside the house I go from a lit room to a dark room. I’m temporarily blind. I had been there for some time, was doing all right, waited till I woke up from a nap and went out to look at the car with a flashlight. That’s when I saw the flaws, etc.

I was suddenly A raving lunatic. I had turned into my mom! Not that that’s so bad, but I’m wondering if it was because of the Hashimoto’s plus the SLE and the stress of getting the car, could have caused such a reaction. The next day, I was absolutely horrible To everybody at the dealership. That isn’t me. But it was that day.

I just wondered whether anyone else has had a collision like that, or if it was a collision. I do know I was tired, stressed. I didn’t even want to look at the car until after I woke up, that’s when I discovered this 2024 car supposedly brand new, had 30,000 miles on it, and it looks like something happened to it that someone tried to repair it. The doors don’t lineup. The hood seems like it’s been leaned on so it doesn’t line up. And the doors you can tell have been leaned on. So anyway, I called the next day and apologize profusely, but to no avail, oh well. So tomorrow I plan on taking my car in to have it detailed. However, I saw a lot of what looked like the seams in the go around the window like they just didn’t match on window. I could get a screwdriver in with the door shut and the other one. The windshield needs replacing. Now, no, I didn’t notice it. I’m sorry to bother you with that whole ordeal. I just wanted to know really is how do I explain this? It really is not me, but it has happened before and I don’t understand why.

Does anybody else have issues like this? I wasn’t sure which group I wanted to be in with this so I picked this one. Now I am 78 and probably should’ve taken someone but it seemed like it would be so easy. I learned my lesson, but the wild mood swing Anybody else ever have that? I’d like to know thank you.

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Well, it sounds like the car you bought was in an accident. If that wasn't disclosed you may be have a fraud claim, https://cars.usnews.com/cars-trucks/advice/how-can-i-get-a-free-vin-check#:~:text=To%20verify%20a%20VIN%2C%20enter,car's%20documents%20to%20ensure%20accuracy and there may be other things wrong with the car.
This could be considered financial elder abuse.
You probably should be mad. But, three days without meds might could explain everything except the times that it happened before.
I can see why you could make a mistake with your vision and the eagerness to have transportation. Being mad makes more sense than not being mad.
I don't see a case for cognitive decline.
You might try talking to the owner of the business, I wouldn't go alone but would find a younger friend or relative (dare I say male).

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