← Return to Stage IIIB Mantle Cell lymphoma with skin involvement just diagnosed

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Glad to see you back here! You’ve certainly been covering the gamut of treatments since we first began chatting a couple years ago. Sending positive thoughts that the latest rounds of radiation will finally do the trick!

Your diet is similar to mine except I haven’t added juicing yet! Been toying with the idea. This may be the incentive I need to get me started. The impact on the body with eliminating sugar and fried foods is a game changer, isn’t it? I cut both from my life several years ago and if I have a momentary lapse in judgment, I can tell immediately and end up paying for those thrills! 😅 What brand of juicer do you have?

Thanks for asking, I’m actually doing well. I’m coming up on my 6 year anniversary with a bone marrow transplant for AML. That has been the gift of life.

I’ve been reading a few articles about patients with MCL who are benefitting from autologous stem cell transplants, using their own stem cells. It also appears that there are clinical trials being conducted for the possible use of CAR-T therapy for MCL patients! So there may be more potentially longterm treatments on the horizon! Has your oncologist mentioned an autologous stem cell transplant?

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Replies to "Glad to see you back here! You’ve certainly been covering the gamut of treatments since we..."

Congrats on your 6 year anniversary, that's tremendous!

My oncologist did mention the possibility of harvesting my stem cells after I went into remission, however, MRD blood test still showed 0.34% mantle cells circulating so the idea of harvesting was ruled out. I am being monitored every 6 months with blood tests and an MRD test.

Beside CAR-T, I've been told the results coming back about clinical trials for targeted immunotherapies are encouraging which one would potentially be able to avoid chemo or a SCT.

My juicer brand is Tefal.