Mesh Nightmare
I had bladder repair surgery about 10 years ago and now the mesh has punctured my urethra into the vaginal wall. I have had vaginal bleeding for at least 5 months and continuous bladder and yeast infections. They will have to remove the mesh and I will be left totally incontinent. Has anyone had similar problems?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Kidney & Bladder Support Group.
SORRY, have no idea, I will pray for you though.
@mackaymouse you have got me thinking. I did not know that mesh was used as part of bladder repair surgery. Mesh was used on me in a hernia repair. I have problems with incontinence. Will the same surgeon that did the initial bladder repair be the one removing the mesh? Do you have a urologist & /or gynecologist involved for consultation? Perhaps this is a situation where a 2nd opinion is in order? A lot can change in 10 years. Maybe there is a newer more advanced treatment available that won’t leave you with permanent incontinence.
Yes, it will be the same Urologist that did the repair that will remove the mesh. I was seeing a gynecologist for the bleeding from my vagina, she was the one that suggested it might be mesh causing it.
The mesh is infected so no antibiotics will work. Google mesh lawsuits, this is a huge problem with bladder and hernia repairs. The manufactures are still making the mesh. It's crazy!!!
Thank you for this info and so sorry you are suffering with the mesh. I will not have mesh done due to your warning. The other option for my prolapse is sewing shut my vagina. Yikes! Are there any other choices? Thank you BB
I googled bladder prolapse repair options and there seems to be allot of other options. It's time to talk to your urologist about your options. Ask if they only sew your cervix shut, not your entire vagina. Good luck and God bless!
I am also member of the pelvic floor mesh debacle. I recently discovered after decades of drug resistant UTI's, bladder spasms, urine retention/self catherization, colon perforation and more that the mesh used to suspend my bladder in the mid 1990's broke down into pieces and created havoc in my system. How did I find out? After bleeding vaginally for the second time in 4 years, followed by biopsies, my urogynecologist discovered multiple "sutures" embedded in my vaginal wall. Last July, 2024, 20 years after my mesh was inserted, and years of medical issues (many documented in my postings here on the Mayo Clinic), I had the "sutures" removed in surgery. The pathology report came back with the description, "blue frayed mesh" segments. I finally knew why I had been having so many bladder, urinary track problems.
I belong to an international face group whose members have had complications from mesh. It has educated me on how different parts of the world have responded to mesh.
Hang in there.... everyone's reactions to mesh are different. In spite of all my issues, I live a very active, full life. One day at a time.
Did you join a class action suit against the manufacturers of the mesh?
I have been blessed with a great GP, she booked emergency appts with a gynocologist and a urologist right after seeing an ulcer in my vaginal wall. I will look for the Facebook group but just in case can you tell me the name?
I am happy to here that you found life after mesh and I dream of the day that all this is over.
I've never backed down from a medical battle and I am an extremly strong woman.
Bless you for replying to my message.
Hi... the face group is "Sling the Mesh". It's private, so you need to request membership.
Regarding lawsuits, I was interviewed by four, two of which were focused on the mesh cases, one very large firm in New York. My mesh was inserted over 20 years ago.... too long to get records, statements. The pathology report could not identify the manufacturer. They were interested, then declined. I no longer am pursuing a lawsuit.
Feel free to PM me to discuss more.