Thank you.
It was interesting.
I really wanted to help people find someone.
I am gifted with the ability to communicate verbally, which I know is difficult for many people. I hope I was able to close the gap for some folks.
(And just so you know, there are a *lot* of lonely people out there.)
Oh, @scottrl, I'm sure you helped a lot of grateful people back in the day. And I hope those who are lonely today can find and develop viable friendships and relationships. Companionship is so important but, for some, it can be so elusive.
Oh, @scottrl, I'm sure you helped a lot of grateful people back in the day. And I hope those who are lonely today can find and develop viable friendships and relationships. Companionship is so important but, for some, it can be so elusive.
Thank you. I hope you're right. Even though it was around 2010 when I had that job, there were a few who really touched my heart. I still think of them sometimes and hope they're happy.
Now, even though I've disabled for six years, I'm still trying to help others, just in a different way. I hope through my talks and YouTube channel, I'm offering encouragement.
Thank you. I hope you're right. Even though it was around 2010 when I had that job, there were a few who really touched my heart. I still think of them sometimes and hope they're happy.
Now, even though I've disabled for six years, I'm still trying to help others, just in a different way. I hope through my talks and YouTube channel, I'm offering encouragement.
@agah70 I am the opposite of you - I prefer talking to someone in person rather than text or talk on the phone! 😀
I love my own company and quite happy spending lots of time on my own, but if I have to be in touch with someone or deal with a problem I prefer in person - not on Zoom or Skype either.
Judy Nauman Churchfield | @judychurch | 4 days ago
I saw The Beatles in concert at the Cincinnati Gardens in August of 1964. I hardly ever run into someone who also saw them, but it must have been thousands!
Okay, I'll chip in with another autobiographical fact:
I once had a job writing member profiles for an online dating service.
The pay was peanuts, but I needed the work, and it was kind of fun. It turned out I was pretty good at it, too. I had been a bachelor a long time, so I could empathize with the members. I tried to write in the "voice" of the member. It was hard work, but a real creative challenge.
I wrote profiles for men, women, young, old, divorced, widowed, never married, nice people and those who really, really deserved to be alone. (One guy was so obnoxious that the service cancelled his membership.)
The overall rejection rate for these profiles (there were several of us) was about 15%; mine was under 2%.
The work kind of petered out, and I burned out on it, too, but it was a real experience.
I saw The Beatles in concert at the Cincinnati Gardens in August of 1964. I hardly ever run into someone who also saw them, but it must have been thousands!
💯 %.
I've never had a working filter and frequently get in trouble for blurting out things I want to take back after a moment's thought. So, texting is a godsend for me, too! I still screw up and say stupid things, but not nearly as much as I would in a typical face-to-face convo.
I am very sensitive to sounds. Can’t stand people whistling, or any sound that is repeated in music or song. Any kind of repetitive sound drive me mental!
Oh, @scottrl, I'm sure you helped a lot of grateful people back in the day. And I hope those who are lonely today can find and develop viable friendships and relationships. Companionship is so important but, for some, it can be so elusive.
Thank you. I hope you're right. Even though it was around 2010 when I had that job, there were a few who really touched my heart. I still think of them sometimes and hope they're happy.
Now, even though I've disabled for six years, I'm still trying to help others, just in a different way. I hope through my talks and YouTube channel, I'm offering encouragement.
@scottrl, you absolutely do continue to encourage others as you share your story and your experiences. Keep on keeping on, my friend! 😊
i'd rather correspond with people through text, rather than speak with them in person or on the phone.
@agah70 I am the opposite of you - I prefer talking to someone in person rather than text or talk on the phone! 😀
I love my own company and quite happy spending lots of time on my own, but if I have to be in touch with someone or deal with a problem I prefer in person - not on Zoom or Skype either.
I saw The Beatles in concert at the Cincinnati Gardens in August of 1964. I hardly ever run into someone who also saw them, but it must have been thousands!
I once tried starting a dating service for very old people.
I called it "Carbon Dating".
It went nowhere.
WOW !!!
💯 %.
I've never had a working filter and frequently get in trouble for blurting out things I want to take back after a moment's thought. So, texting is a godsend for me, too! I still screw up and say stupid things, but not nearly as much as I would in a typical face-to-face convo.
BTW, this is the 4th draft of this comment!
I am very sensitive to sounds. Can’t stand people whistling, or any sound that is repeated in music or song. Any kind of repetitive sound drive me mental!