← Return to I may have low grade lymphoma or it could be from inflammation

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End of May and appointment with Oncologist first week of June.
Honestly, my gut tells me it’s all because of inflammation, I have been being treated for arthritis in my lumbar spine for 12 years. I get injections frequently. But, I have all these really highly specialized doctors out of Northwestern Medical centers taking this all very seriously, and that scares me.
I know low grade lymphoma is nothing compared to most cancers and feel a little foolish about it all, it’s really hard to hear the word cancer and not think CANCER!!
Not being able to actually get a
Diagnosis is really frustrating! How often does that happen?

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Replies to "End of May and appointment with Oncologist first week of June. Honestly, my gut tells me..."

Not being able to get a firm diagnosis-not just cancer- happens more than you might think. As advanced as some of our medical testing is, there are still situations where it’s challenging, whether solid tumors, blood cancers or lymphomas. Blood cancers can sometimes be especially difficult with the different subtypes instigated by varying mutated genes. There can be subtleties between subtypes making the underlying disease hard to differentiate.

Honestly, from my perspective, it’s really comforting that you have the highly specialized doctors at Northwestern taking this seriously. Fingers crossed, your situation may turn out to be inflammation as you’re suspecting. But if not, to have a dedicated team that is monitoring you with followups, is priceless! And don’t diminish a low grade lymphoma in comparison to someone else’s case. Cancer is cancer and large or small, it strikes fear in the bravest souls! It’s how we handle the diagnosis that gets us through the worst of times.
So, give yourself some grace while you work through things. Finding an activity such as art, sewing, writing, where your hands and mind are focused, allows for some incremental healing. Subconsciously, your mind is still ruminating on the ‘lack of diagnosis’ while the activity allows you the opportunity to refocus and escape! Little by little, daily, as nothing new develops, your negative thoughts get put on the back burner. Soon enough you’ll realize you’ve gotten through an entire day without even thinking about what has you addled right now. ☺️
So let’s change your thoughts of being IN limbo to doing the “Limbo Rock“ Remember that song by Chubby Checker? 😂. How’s that for an earworm?