← Return to Stage IIIB Mantle Cell lymphoma with skin involvement just diagnosed

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Hi @nhlbob. It looks like you’re already logged into MCC. Just by replying to Colleens tag you popped into the conversation. So thank you for responding!

@saltareus, with her recent diagnosis of MCL would really appreciate any feedback you could give.
How have you been doing with your IVIG treatments?

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Replies to "Hi @nhlbob. It looks like you’re already logged into MCC. Just by replying to Colleens tag..."

I'm currently in remission after two rounds of low dose radiation. I have since adopted a strict Mediterranean diet & drink 30 ounces of freshly pressed juice daily (celery, cucumber, green apple, parsley, ginger, lemon). I've also eliminated all sugar and fried foods from my diet.

The IVIG treatments were not helpful for my MCL or neuropathy.

What has your medical team suggested for your situation?