← Return to I may have low grade lymphoma or it could be from inflammation

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It surely does take time to assimilate the roller coaster ride of emotions we go through when first diagnosed with a potentially life changing issue. And I can appreciate what you’re going through trying to be patient, waiting for a definitive answer. Not knowing makes it difficult to come up with a plan of action going forward. Easy to be in that freak out stage!! Been there, done that, bought the shirt! 😅 Says, Mayo Strong, on the front!
I think it’s just human nature to ‘think the worst’…whatever that is. I’m sure the definition is different for each of us, however nebulous it might be. But what I have learned is that every moment I spend worrying is a moment of life wasted. So I hope your brain wraps around this new ‘un-diagnosis’ soon so you can get on with enjoying life without this nagging specter following you about.
When is your next set of labs/CT?

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Replies to "It surely does take time to assimilate the roller coaster ride of emotions we go through..."

End of May and appointment with Oncologist first week of June.
Honestly, my gut tells me it’s all because of inflammation, I have been being treated for arthritis in my lumbar spine for 12 years. I get injections frequently. But, I have all these really highly specialized doctors out of Northwestern Medical centers taking this all very seriously, and that scares me.
I know low grade lymphoma is nothing compared to most cancers and feel a little foolish about it all, it’s really hard to hear the word cancer and not think CANCER!!
Not being able to actually get a
Diagnosis is really frustrating! How often does that happen?