Gastroparisis diet?
Went to Mayo last week had 3 tests done. I'm in the normal ranges but right at the top end for each Gastric emptying study stomach and small intestin. Told to use a puree diet. I bought protein shakes, mashed potatoes and cream of wheat. What else is there to eat?
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I have spent considerable time blending my food. I feel your pain, and so so sorry you are having to figure this out. You can so do this! I found this link and you may find the food suggestions helpful. Scroll down to find “changes to your diet”.
Another good resource is Crystal has gastroparesis and has a ton of information. I was wondering if you could share the 3 tests that you had done and what your results were. I'm just curious what criteria and test Mayo uses. Thx
Gastric emptying study
Small bowel clonic transit study
Anorectal Manometry
All studys i failed
1 hour 40% (normal 4 - 31%)
2 hour 74% (normal 25 - 71%)
4 hour 50% (normal 76 - 100%)
6 hour colonic filling 30% (mean 44%)
Geometric center of In-111 colonic activity was:
24 hour 1.2 (normal 1.3 - 4.4)
48 hour 1.5 (normal 1.9 - 5.0)
I was diagnosed with gastroparesis several years ago. I manage it with diet, exercise and supplements. I don't take any drugs to increase gastric motility (too many side effects). Some days are better than others. Things to take under consideration are:
_Eat small meals ( I eat soft, blended/puree meals).
_Low fiber fruits and vegetables ( fiber slows down the digestion)
_Low fat food (fats also slow down the digestion)
_Sip water, juices, smoothies all day to stay hydrated
_If you can, take short walks after your meals
_Be flexible, this is a trial and error diet
_ I cook in advance and freeze to save time, and have meals ready for those days when gastroparesis flares.
They took me off reglan. It wasn't working anyway. Right now I'm eating mashed potatoes yogurt smoothies cottage cheese applesauce and that's about it. Feel better but really miss meat
Not sure if you mean "red" meat, but if not, you can definitely finely chop or ground up turkey, chicken, fish I've used a small cuisinart chopper/blender that works well. You can also add chicken broth or veg broth to make the meat a bit softer or moist. Also, don't forget about eggs (egg salad w/low or nonfat mayo, scrambled or soft boiled, etc) and tuna canned in water. May want to consider a multi-vitamin if not eating much. Thx for sharing the tests and your results.
Unfortunately eggs are a no go right now. I haven't been digesting them and end up throwing up 😞
I’ve had gastroparesis since 2005 and totally agree Crystal’s website and books were a life saver to me especially back then not as widely known and treated. I’ve had times I could only do liquid and couldn’t even eat gerber baby food but I have eaten it along the way for nutrition and easy digestion. I highly recommend keeping a food diary as no two gastroparesis patients are the same in relation to triggers etc.
In addition to Crystal’s information, I follow the concepts in the phased diet approach from Jackson gastroenterology stepping up and down through levels 1-3 depending on symptoms. I used to take erythromycin during flareups and otherwise tried to manage thru diet.
I did boost breeze and v8 peach mango diluted when I could only do liquids to get nutrition in. Small amounts at a time and easy to digest foods. Some level of exercise movement even if walking around the house especially after eating.
Have patience and stay strong it’s
A journey.
Did you try egg whites without the yolk diced finely? Yolks can be harder to digest but neither may work.