Wet, sticky eyes
I’m wondering if anyone else has had problems with their eyes, for the past 2 weeks my eyes are wet and sticky. I’ve been on prednisone for 14 months , I was down to 2 mg in November but had a flare. Presently taking 7 mg and decreasing by 1 mg monthly. Natural tears don’t seem to help much but I was told by the optometrist last December 2023 I had dry eye. I might try some polysporin drops as this sticky drainage makes me think maybe I have a little infection.
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I have been on prednisone since 2020. I have been on many reduction schedules and they have been interrupted by flares. Currently I am at 7 mg reducing by 1/2 mg a month and keeping my fingers crossed that this is the one. Blurred vision and wet and sticky eyes is an everyday issue for me. It has to be the prednisone. My eye doc says vision is fine it’s dry eyes. She gave me a prescription for eye drops but it doesn't help. Anyone else have this problem and what do you do to treat it
I have been taking prednisone for over 2 years and have had dry eye for the past 18 months. The only thing that helps is prednisone eye drops but apparently these can only be used for short periods. I recently had cataract surgery and had to use the prednisone drops. It was wonderful I could see again. Since I’ve stopped the drops my vision is deteriorating and soon I won’t be able to drive or read again. So I’m open to any suggestions.
Not sure what is going on with your eyes but here is my situation. I have had chronic Blepharitis since I was a child. It’s symptoms come and go, red irritated eyelids, lots of “sand” in the AM, sensitive to sunlight, itchy lids. I have tried numerous creams, treatments and drops but the condition never completely goes away. Also, it can happen as you get older as well. I was diagnosed with PMR almost 2 years ago and took prednisone for one year. I didn’t notice any worsening of my blepharitis symptoms.
This is what I am currently doing to mitigate my eye issues. In the morning and evening I bathe my eyes with a warm washcloth and use eye cleansing wipes with tea tree oil, wiping my lids gently (ps, I cut them in half). I have also been using a humidifier at night. In the winter the dry air can exacerbates symptoms, including dry eye, so I use systane drops as needed during the day. My eye dr recommended a treatment called IPL, intense pulse light, which has been shown to reduce blepharitis symptoms. I think it has worked somewhat. It’s uncomfortable and not pain free so I am not sure it is the way to go.
I know it sounds like all I do is take care of my darn eyes, but I have made it part of my am/pm routine. Unfortunately, eye makeup and I have parted ways, but I am
Didn’t get to finish as my iPad froze. Anyway, about sticky discharge from your eyes. You may be correct that it is an infection or virus. Ask your eye dr to take a look and keep gently cleansing your eyes.
Liz Ward. PMR survivor
Update, I instilled 1 drop of polysporin eye drops into each eye last night and this morning and I’m happy to report a marked improvement 75 % better!
I have been on prednisone for almost 3 years from PMR. I can’t get below 7 mg without a flare.
I only developed wet sticky eyes after I got induced cateracts from prednisone and had cataract surgery.
Since then I have had wet sticky eyes. The eye doctor said it dry eye too. Hmmm
Some degree of eye dryness is common after cataract surgery. They make a small incision in your eye to insert the artificial lens implant. A disruption in natural tear production part of the healing process after surgery. It involves eye inflammation so prednisone eye drops are used.
Posterior capsule opacity may explain why your vision is deteriorating. That problem is also addressed in the above link.
If the polysporin helped it suggests you may have an eye infection of some sort.
Yes, I’m a nurse, made appointment with optometrist for tomorrow
A little update, dry eye and infection, prescribed eye drops and ointment, reassess in 2 weeks. Optometrist said my numbers had changed dramatically but we’re not reliable because of the severity of the dry eye…, probably from prednisone!