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Just to add clarity, this is all very new, saw two doctors about biopsies and my oncologist and got all this info all within last two weeks, it’s all still really setting in! I am still at freak out stage!
You do make a lot of sense, I just have to get to a stage where I can make sense of this, and move on.
I loved your quote, first thing I did after reading it was write it on my white board!
I will get to the point where I make peace with not knowing. I did not know that not knowing was actually a possibility so it hit me really hard!

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Replies to "Just to add clarity, this is all very new, saw two doctors about biopsies and my..."

It surely does take time to assimilate the roller coaster ride of emotions we go through when first diagnosed with a potentially life changing issue. And I can appreciate what you’re going through trying to be patient, waiting for a definitive answer. Not knowing makes it difficult to come up with a plan of action going forward. Easy to be in that freak out stage!! Been there, done that, bought the shirt! 😅 Says, Mayo Strong, on the front!
I think it’s just human nature to ‘think the worst’…whatever that is. I’m sure the definition is different for each of us, however nebulous it might be. But what I have learned is that every moment I spend worrying is a moment of life wasted. So I hope your brain wraps around this new ‘un-diagnosis’ soon so you can get on with enjoying life without this nagging specter following you about.
When is your next set of labs/CT?