Has anyone had a “blue light treatment” on their face to remove pre-ca
I had a blue light treatment on 11/15/24. It is most unpleasant and my age spots are darker and more spots gave been added. I thought this would get rid of them! I have not begun to peel yet, though, so I am hopeful. This is has been extremely painful. My dermatologist wants me to go this twice. I’m considering saying “no, thank you. Once is enough!”
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How are you and your daughter doing?
Day 21 on Fluorouracil cream. I was instructed to use from chest up to forehead for 21 days. After 14 days of agony burning on my chin, I stopped using on my chin, but continued on chest, neck, cheeks and forehead through day 15 & 16. I've gone through the gamut, burning, bleeding, scabbing even woke this morning with a scab on my upper lip which immediately came off and bled. My doctor gave me a choice, she said " if you don't want to use it, then go ahead and take the chance of getting melanoma". I don't consider that a choice! This has been excruciatingly painful and on top of that I've had many obligations and been out nearly everyday amongst people looking like a monster. I was told no makeup. I couldn't put make up on this cracked. bleeding, peeling, burning skin if I wanted to! Day 8 was my last shower....too painful. I can barely even wash my face or chest with all the raw, bleeding sores. I truly don't know if I've got the constitution to do this again and I'm positive my doc will want me to every year or two. I pray that nobody else has this much agony with this treatment. I can't stress enough to take precautions outdoors when you young. I doubt anyone living has been burned over my lifetime, I'm 67, more than I. I'm medium complexion & have had a deep, dark beautiful tan every summer since I was 13. Everyone compliments me on my tan. I'm finally beginning to wonder if it has been worth it. Yes, that's just how much I love tanning! I understand people have questioned my sanity! Now I'm questioning it myself!!!
I am sorry to hear this. I was suppose to start this treatment on my legs, 3 weeks ago. Today would have been my last day of treatment. I have hesitated to do so. I read more experiences of the pain involved, so I decided I will see my dermatologist again with more questions I have. Ultimately I do think the results outlay the uncomfortable and pain. Hang in there.
@edwardsruth i am currently doing a fluorouracil and calcipotriene combo treatment. The calcipotriene significantly reduces the amount of time you need to use the fluorouracil. Treatments are usually only 4-6 days (application morning and night). The healing time after is about a week. Harvard did a study on this treatment and found it to be more effective than flourouracil alone. It basically teaches your skin’s t-cells (where applied) to continue to fight precancer after the treatment. I do it every 3 years on face/neck/chest. Some people (due to skin cancer risk or previous skin cancer) do it once a year.
Hope this helps!
Thank you, yes, this is helpful. My daughter’s Melanoma, though is internal - large tumors in her lung and femur. Immunotherapy is working very effectively, thankfully. The process you are describing is topical, correct?
Yes! Applied to skin. I will also say that this brings brown and red spots to surface but they slough off and new skin is clear and beautiful!
I’m so sorry about your daughter’s melanoma! Glad the immunotherapy is working well for her! 🙏🏻
My treatment was for 21 days. My doctor prescribed the
calcipotriene, but it was over $300. Therefore, I had to use fluorouracil only. I'm finally into my 4th weeks and no longer hurting. My face is almost through with peeling, just still really red. Chest is in progress. Thanks for your input.
Do you live in the US? It looks like daylight PDT is not approved in the US for use with Metvix. I'm not sure why they stopped it. But it is available in Canada, Mexico, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, 7 other European countries, and probably other locations. Hopefully the FDA will approve it soon because it's efficacy has been proven to be the same as blue/red light photodynamic therapy and much less painful. If I ever need to get it done in the near future I will definitely be going to Canada or overseas.
Helpful information, thank you. Yes, it was so painful I will not do it again!