Advice on pain under ribs right side

Posted by michael1012 @michael1012, Mar 1 7:50am

I really need some advice—I feel so lost and broken.

Last year, I started having pain on my right side under my ribs that sometimes radiated to my back. My bowel movements were normal, but the pain persisted. I was worried something was seriously wrong, so I went to the ER. They did a CT scan with contrast, but they found nothing. All my blood work was normal, and my CA-19 score was 7.

I then saw my gastroenterologist, who ordered a HIDA scan and an MRCP. Both tests came back normal, and no one could figure out what was going on. The pain was always worse when I sat, like I was squishing something. Eventually, after months, the pain just went away, and I don’t even know why.

Fast forward to a month ago—the pain is back, but worse. This time, I feel sharp pains on the right side of my stomach, which radiate down to my ribs and around to my back. I also have a reduced appetite and occasional nausea. After a month of dealing with it, I went to the ER again. They did an ultrasound and blood work; the blood work was normal, but the ultrasound noted:

> "The included liver is slightly increased in echogenicity, which may be due to steatosis or other hepatocellular conditions."

This time, I also have very loose stools. The only thing that seems to help a little is ibuprofen.

I told my gastroenterologist that I was worried about cancer—either pancreatic or liver—but she doesn’t think so, given all the tests I’ve had in the past eight months, including CT scans. She can't imagine something like that being missed so many times.

I’m scheduled for an MRI at the end of the month. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

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Any evidence of gallstones, elevated liver levels, elevated CA-19 (pancreatic cancer marker)? Given your family history and pain, I would think that would warrant further investigation. Just my opinion.

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Also does your upper right pain worsen after eating fatty foods? Sorry after thought on my part.


Liver & Gall Bladder are on the rt side...I am thinking gall bladder esp with the nausea & loose stools.

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@pearpie I had my gall bladder removed about thirty years ago.


This just stink the pain is constant. When it started a month ago it was just pain on right side. Now its pain right side to my back nauseous feeling tired. I still get up and walk and exercise every am through the pain I eat super healthy no cheating nothing bad pretty much a fodmap and only drink water. And starting a week ago I am lower adominal cramps all throughout the night and as soon as I wake up I am on toilet. Not diarrhea just loose stools and I eat my oatmeal and fiber supplments. Ibuprofen helps a lot but I try not to take it


Any evidence of gallstones, elevated liver levels, elevated CA-19 (pancreatic cancer marker)? Given your family history and pain, I would think that would warrant further investigation. Just my opinion.

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@debrn2005 it definitely is not gallstones since I had my gallbladder removed in the nineties. My liver enzymes show normal always, despite the fatty liver. I did have pain eating fatty foods for several months - at least eighteen - after by gallbladder surgery, but have been able to tolerate fatty and fried foods now. In any case, I rarely eat fatty foods and even less fried because I don’t like deep fried food anyway.

I certainly will discuss the CA-19 test with my physician. If my liver enzymes show normal this test may show normal too - but definitely worth investigating. Thank you for the suggestion!


@debrn2005 it definitely is not gallstones since I had my gallbladder removed in the nineties. My liver enzymes show normal always, despite the fatty liver. I did have pain eating fatty foods for several months - at least eighteen - after by gallbladder surgery, but have been able to tolerate fatty and fried foods now. In any case, I rarely eat fatty foods and even less fried because I don’t like deep fried food anyway.

I certainly will discuss the CA-19 test with my physician. If my liver enzymes show normal this test may show normal too - but definitely worth investigating. Thank you for the suggestion!

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Liver Drs are taught that the Liver has no pain receptors. Newer Drs know that isn’t true. I suffered for decades with this pain before and after my liver transplant. The liver can also be enlarged, or swell. This causes pain all along the right side, under rib cage and around to the back. Using ice or heat can help. Sometimes something a littler stronger is needed for pain. In this day and age there is no reason to be in pain and suffer. Keep telling your Drs. If you can go to a large hospital with Liver Drs, Pain Mahagement. Keep up with various tests CT, MRI, Liver ultrasound etc. I hope you can find relief ,Good Luck!


I appreciate the message. None of my doctors seem care. I saw my gastro today she just said can't be liver it's barely fatty or something if that matter. I'm so sick and tired that on his day and age someone can be constantly in this much pain doctors don't seem to give a shit unless it's stage 4 cancer. I'm like if nothing else is showing up on all my scans and only thing is being show is a fatty liver what else could be causing all this pain. That radiates around to my lower and middle back. I'm so mad I'm have to fight for help. It's f ridiculous


I have the same thing--off and on for a few years. I too have a fatty enlarged liver non-alcoholic. I too had my gallbladder out. I have thought maybe there is scary tissue from the cholecystectomy. Indeed, I also had my appendix out many years ago with a small portion
removal of the colon. ? Scar tissue pain? But it also has been suggested it may be muscle strain. I have had a negative CT in the past but they are going to do another. My kidneys showed 2 cysts but that supposedly should not cause the pain. Interestingly, just recently my GFR dropped to 39 but then went back up to 55. I also need to get to the bottom of this pain. I can't take NSAIDS due to allergy so take an occasional Tramadol to deal--but this recent GFR has me worried. Am seeing Docs both at home and at Mayo because of these recent issues as well as new diagnosis of Barretts esophagus along with GERD and acid reflux.ugh!


I have the same thing--off and on for a few years. I too have a fatty enlarged liver non-alcoholic. I too had my gallbladder out. I have thought maybe there is scary tissue from the cholecystectomy. Indeed, I also had my appendix out many years ago with a small portion
removal of the colon. ? Scar tissue pain? But it also has been suggested it may be muscle strain. I have had a negative CT in the past but they are going to do another. My kidneys showed 2 cysts but that supposedly should not cause the pain. Interestingly, just recently my GFR dropped to 39 but then went back up to 55. I also need to get to the bottom of this pain. I can't take NSAIDS due to allergy so take an occasional Tramadol to deal--but this recent GFR has me worried. Am seeing Docs both at home and at Mayo because of these recent issues as well as new diagnosis of Barretts esophagus along with GERD and acid reflux.ugh!

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Sorry to hear that


I have the same thing--off and on for a few years. I too have a fatty enlarged liver non-alcoholic. I too had my gallbladder out. I have thought maybe there is scary tissue from the cholecystectomy. Indeed, I also had my appendix out many years ago with a small portion
removal of the colon. ? Scar tissue pain? But it also has been suggested it may be muscle strain. I have had a negative CT in the past but they are going to do another. My kidneys showed 2 cysts but that supposedly should not cause the pain. Interestingly, just recently my GFR dropped to 39 but then went back up to 55. I also need to get to the bottom of this pain. I can't take NSAIDS due to allergy so take an occasional Tramadol to deal--but this recent GFR has me worried. Am seeing Docs both at home and at Mayo because of these recent issues as well as new diagnosis of Barretts esophagus along with GERD and acid reflux.ugh!

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@gummybear21 frustrating, isn’t it … not knowing the cause …? I have exactly the same symptoms as you do, except I have managed to evade Barrett’s so far!

Like you, I too am beginning to think scar tissue (adhesions) may be the cause of all the tenderness and pain. My abdomen is like a road map, with incision scars from appendix removal, three Caesareans, laparoscopic gallbladder removal, and a huge scar running from the middle of my torso all the way to the middle of my back from kidney surgery.

The gastroenterologist who did the punch biopsy (the most painful of the three I have had - the other two didn’t hurt at all!) on my liver didn’t shed much light on the “slight cirrhosis” of my liver, so I have made an appointment to see my family doctor on Thursday, hoping she will investigate further.


@gummybear21 frustrating, isn’t it … not knowing the cause …? I have exactly the same symptoms as you do, except I have managed to evade Barrett’s so far!

Like you, I too am beginning to think scar tissue (adhesions) may be the cause of all the tenderness and pain. My abdomen is like a road map, with incision scars from appendix removal, three Caesareans, laparoscopic gallbladder removal, and a huge scar running from the middle of my torso all the way to the middle of my back from kidney surgery.

The gastroenterologist who did the punch biopsy (the most painful of the three I have had - the other two didn’t hurt at all!) on my liver didn’t shed much light on the “slight cirrhosis” of my liver, so I have made an appointment to see my family doctor on Thursday, hoping she will investigate further.

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Good luck I hope you can get some answers. I was told you have a fatty liver and pretty much c-ya have a great day.

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