What are your experiences with tramadol ?
I have been taking tramadol for over 20 years. It was first prescribed for knee pain. This was the era when they did meniscus surgery. I'm sure the medication is not effective for me now, but it continues to be prescribed. Any other thoughts or experiences?
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That is wonderful. I always say- I don’t mind pain - as long as it doesn’t hurt!! Irene
I have Burning Mouth Syndrome. I have had it for 14 years. It is a constant stabbing burning pain and it is agonizing.
I was given Tramadol by the man I was about to marry. The pain always becomes more intense with stress and I was in terrible pain while I was planning a big wedding. Finally I had to stop planning and go to bed to lie down in a quiet dark room.
After a few days of this, my fiance brought tramadol he had left after a back injury. I took 2 and was amazed when the pain stopped for the first time in years. I was able to finish planning the wedding and very grateful to have finally found a way to stop my pain. I was so relieved and so happy!
A few days before the wedding all the pills were gone. I thought that at least the planning was finished and that since the stress was over the pain would be dialed back to the how it was before the increase from stress of planning.
But that was not what happened. Pain became worse than it had ever been and on top of that my emotions fell apart and I could not stop sobbing, had to go back to bed and realized I could not go through with the wedding.
I was feeling hysterical, crying loudly, uncontrollably, begging him to get me enough tramadol to just get through the wedding. I could not function at all.
My fiance finally took me to his prescribing doctor and told him what had happened. The doctor lectured him about sharing drugs and told him that he had caused me to go into withdrawals. I sat in the office unable to stop crying, begging for help.
The doctor told us he would have to put me back on tramadol and then very gradually decrease the dose, tapering until I could be taken off it.
I had to be married while still having less intense but still very painful withdrawals. A bad experience, a miserable wedding.
It was even harder to take the pain then, knowing that there was a way to stop it. The doctor would not prescribe for me having seen how quickly I had become dependant.
I hated my wedding and I hated my life of constant pain and could not accept it and try to cope again as I had before.
The marriage didn't last very long. I never again had anything to ease the pain. Even now, 9 years later, the pain is intolerable. There seems to be no help for me and all I can do is look forward to a day there is either a treatment for Burning Mouth Syndrome or I get old enough to die.
This hopeless may not be of help to anyone. But that is my experience of sudden fast painful addiction to tramadol.
I hope with all my being that someday there will be a way to ease the pain enough to have a life again.
It is a story without a moral or resolution. I do not want to be addicted ever again. But it just really really sucks having my life taken by this pain that never ends.
I would prefer to be addicted rather than suffer your pain.
Do you have a doctor? Have you tried a "Pain Clinic"? Tramadol upset my stomach.
Also Tramadol is fairly inexpensive so it's not like it's a financial burden to be on it for a long time. If you got off of it once you can do it again if need be.
I am so sorry to hear about your pain and I have to say that I have found nothing to help my pain except for oxycodone which of course you know most doctors don't want to give you mainly because they're afraid of getting sued I suppose. It's sad that it's mostly about them versus us. The doctors not wanting to lose or get sued and us having pain that nothing can help except drugs they don't want to prescribe anymore.
Preach it!
I have been taking Tramadol 50mg 1-2 per day alone for the last 10 years. Before that I was also getting shots of Demerol & Phenergan 3x a month which really helped my migraines. The Tramadol alone does not help a whole lot. I know of people who were getting 360 tab of Oxy a month and yet I get 30 Tramadol and suffer. I don't understand how the system works. And I used to work in the system.
I understand what you are saying. I have taken Tramadol for years. It takes the edge off my severe back pain. My brother , on the other hand, found a doctor years ago who prescribed oxy for his chronic pain. Oxy is fine if you don’t have an addictive personality which my brother did have, but it also has serious gastrointestinal complications especially with motility! I’m good with tramadol. Taking the edge off is better than not having the edge taken off my back pain. Irene5