Anyone diagnosed with FGN and doing the trial with obinutuzumab?
I have been diagnosed with FGN n going to start the trial looking for anyone who has done it or is currently in the trial
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@joannzerbo Welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect!
FGN or Fibrillary Glomerulonepgritis does not appear to be very common in the kidney disease world! How was this found in your situation? What trial are you speaking of?
I had a kidney biopsy n was diagnosed! There is a trial at the Mayo Clinic using obinutuzumab that I will be starting next month . Was trying to see if any others have had this drug n what their reactions were
Are you aware of the Facebook group? There is someone else who started in November. My dad was just out to meet Dr. zand.
On Facebook search kidney-fgn (all spelled out)
No i was not aware what is the group?
on Facebook search
I tried to put a link and it blocked me.
I pool forward to hearing how it’s going 🙂