Good morning, @jello13577 Reading back through some of your previous posts, I see that you’re scheduled for an appointment with a new oncologist this month. You certainly got off to a rocky start with your previous doctor so I truly hope you have a much better experience.
I’m sorry to hear you had such an extreme reaction to the HU over the past year and that your doctor wasn’t responsive to your needing to change your treatment plan. We all react differently to meds and fortunately there are alternatives to HU.
Well, hopefully you can put all of that behind you with the new doctor. I had a similiar experience with one of my providers and was fortunately was able to make a change. While I really wanted to throw my previous doctor under the bus, I knew the new appointment wasn’t the place to do that.
We have limited time with our doctors. So if I may offer some suggestions, have a little notebook or make notes on your phone of what you want to discuss. It will help the appointment stay on task.
It’s ok to touch briefly on what has happened with the HU experience and your previous doctor’s dismissivness. That’s basically why you are seeking new counsel. The new doctor can’t change the past or what’s happened. But they can help you move forward. So try to be open and allow the new doctor to ask questions and take direction of the appointment from that point on.
You have every right to ask questions and seek clairification. You’re also rightfully gun-shy of treatments from your past experince so don’t be shy about talking through suggestions of any new meds being offered.
If you’re interested, there’s a helpful discussion in the forum with tips from other members on “How to get off to the best start with a new specialist”.
Janet, what was your original diagnosis?
Hi Lori,
Thank you for your advice. I am very nervous about the new appt but I need someone to be kind this time and have some sympathy for his patients, my PCP says this guy is a great listener and I have read so many great reviews on him. My dx with only labs no BX as ET. My platelets varied at the highest 700 then would be normal then would be 500 etc. I have a lot of inflammation in my body from CKD since I was a child and he dismissed that plus systemic osteoarthritis.
Like I said in my other posts he will not let anyone second guess him. I was on 500mg m-f, then I talked him down to 4 days a wk etc until it reached one day a wk and my side effects were never letting up and he care less. The HU worked instantly but I was sick as a dog and still am as I came off of it and I never felt that way even before the HU. So I hope this new Dr will be more thorough and make sure what is going on. Thanks for everyone that has answered. Take care to all. Janet