Covid Recovery: How can I manage GI issues?
It has been 5 weeks since my COVID symptoms began. I am well past the isolation date. I had nausea and diarrhea during COVID along with the usual symptoms of cough, fatigue, rapid heartbeat and sinus issues. I have felt like I was over this, but I began having GI pain in the last week. I feel as if my intestines are sore on the inside. I guess it is inflammation. Has anyone else had this and is there anything I can do to help it? Probiotics maybe?
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Hi, I’m new to this forum, but just as you mentioned, for me it’s the constipation along with a lot of bloating, that will not go away. I already had the colonoscopy & endoscopy done with No results, all came back normal. I can only do No.2 by taking laxatives the night before, so it’s an all day event the next day and after that, the gas and bloating comes into play. Don’t know what else I can do. Anyone else with similar issues?
I suggest you consider trying the magnesium capsules, as they’re very effective for me, and they’re also a more natural approach than regular laxatives, plus they have other health benefits.
I also recommend you consider having full thyroid labwork done. I did, and discovered that I had Hashimoto’s induced hypothyroidism, which is well-known to cause constipation. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease, so I believe it was just more thing caused by covid.
Additional labwork you should consider is a full GI-Map in case your GI issues are being caused by some sort of bacteria, parasite, or toxin.
The more tests you can get done, the more info you will have. Hang in there!
I find that I need to drink at least 32 oz. of water a day. That helps. I understand as I have dealt with that as well as the other way around. I also drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning and add a packet of Emergen C. I have had to change my food as well. Too much salt causes more inflammation as does sugar, for me.
Another natural thing to try is a teaspoon of psyllium husks in a full glass of water in the morning. It tastes like mushroom water and if you don't mind the taste of raw mushrooms, it is not bad, although it is thick. They are a way to kind of detox the intestines. Probably should start with maybe 1/2 a teaspoon for a couple of weeks.
I would like to address GI Inflammatory Issues, post COVID
Review: COVID March 2020, mild, except taste/smell issues for several weeks, brain fog for several months. THEN, March 2021 diagnosis of Raynaud’s, following finger/toe evaluation at hospital vascular clinic. Neuropathy, pain and leg weakness including stability issues. Stopped eating gluten and neuropathy, brain fog greatly improved, however I also had skin autoinflammatory issues resulting in 12 antibiotic Rx for simple bug bites and cat scratches (2020-2024).
Elimination of Splenda and adding pumpkin seeds helped with the infections. In 2021 I also had inflammatory GI issues. Gastric pain and inflammation centering at the naval (hard and painful to the touch). Pancreatitis workup (negative, also no alcohol use) Why am I having this now and never before? Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound negative. PCP: Eat smaller meals. That did not help. What helped was a HUGE change in diet. Elimination of ALL ultra-processed foods; Pizza, red meat, deli meats, all snacks, and dairy. All gastric pain is gone and has not returned. The Raynaud’s remains.
My two main meals: (Meal #1) Lunch/Dinner Amy’s Gutin free burrito, microwave and mash up, 30 g Go Raw pumpkin seeds, ground to a powder in a spice grinder, a few ounces of Imagine Organic Low sodium butternut squash soup, ~ 150 g Veggipasta Rotini (amazon, its pea protein, AGT Foods) or 3 oz riced organic broccoli/cauliflower.
(Meal #2) Breakfast, 100 g organic frozen blueberries, 1 scoop of Vega Vanilla Protein and Greens, Califia Farms, Organic oat milk (this exact one, the others have omega 3), Farmers We Know organic rolled oats, (great price at Costco on this and the blueberries). Or Natures Path Mesa Sunrise instead of the rolled oats.
Be sure to drink 8 oz of water with your meals as they are “heavy” and full of fiber. Split your meals into two if appropriate. People say, how can you eat like this? My answer; Because it is the only way to deal with the chronic inflammatory system issues caused by COVID. And for me, it has worked. I’m 70 years old.
I also use magnesium and lots of water to help with the Long COVID constipation. I tried several magnesium products and found that MagSRT was a kinder magnesium for me. I take three at bedtime which is 375 milligrams of magnesium. And doc advised 80 ounces of fluid a day...I try but usually end up at about 60 ounces.
Interesting responses on GI upset. I have the opposite problem. My GI has slowed waaaay down. Taking 3-5 Colace a day. Lots of fiber, (Fruit, veggies, oatmeal, bran cereal. LOTS of water.)
Anyone else have this issue?
JUST now found these other posts, BTW: Mg has also been added to diet. 2-3 x day, 100mg.
Look forward to more responses. =]
I'm now going on 4 years post Covid X 3. Last one of lost 60 lbs in 10 days. I have the opposite, EPI , exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. I go 10-12 times a day. Diet is the only way I can manage, staying away from anything high in fat, whether good (omega, good fat and any good)