Working out with PMR
I'm a newbie to PMR and glad I found this forum. I have so many questions. I'm around the corner from 69 years old and was diagnosed on Dec 17, 2024. For months I kept thinking, I'm not stretching enough, I need to whip this by working out a little harder. My inner Rocky Balboa has always kept me in reasonably good shape through other geezerly challenges. Before tapering I was feeling great but now it seems whenever I have a great workout, later that day the pain ratchets up. My wife tells me to moderate but that's not in my psyche. Am I damaging things more by enjoying a good hard workout? Should I back down? Will I be sorry I push too hard?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.
Good advice! I have found that to be true for myself,
I'm a gung-ho gal myself, love putting everything I've got into whatever I'm doing. It seems a common trait amongst many of us. I decided to seek the advice of a PT who understands auto-immune and may even have experience treating people with PMR. I've only seen her once so far but the big message (with the itty bitty exercises prescribed) is to slow it down. Literally. Work slower, not harder. (It made me sore!) Also that it's Very Important to take breaks. So I'm applying this strategy to water walking, walking in the park, doing housework and exercises...can I do it gardening? So far I've sat down before I got worn out in the yard, taking frequent breaks--and enjoying being out there more. That's an improvement. I think this is a good lesson and I'd just as soon learn it this way as through something that would Really lay me low (thinking chemo, a broken leg, migraines, etc.). We've got to learn how to pace ourselves as we age and here is a good opportunity to learn it.
Hi. I’m brand new. I was just diagnosed with. I’m 56. I’ve been a competitive athlete my whole life. I read about people being able to workout. I can barely walk right now and lift my arms. How long will I be in this shape until I can at least lift a little and run? I’m on 20 mg a day. Started with 15, but it took me hours to get going in the morning before. I appreciate any advice.
It sounds like your PMR isn't completely under control yet if you're having trouble walking and lifting your arms. How long have you been taking prednisone? It can take a few days for it to take full effect. I would think once your pain is under control you could start lifting light weights and running slowly. Just be careful not to do too much at first. The prednisone and the PMR can both affect your muscles and tendons and make it easier to cause strains and tears. I learned that from experience. I have PMR and GCA, and have been running for almost 50 years. I went through a bad stretch tapering from 20 mg prednisone down to 10 where my muscles were straining very easily while I was jogging and lifting weights. But everyone is different. You might not have any problems.
Hi @phogan0609, Welcome to Connect. Sorry to hear Mr. Ugly (PMR) has invaded your personal space. I've had 2 occurrences of PMR and was started at 20 mg prednisone for both. Took 3 and half years to taper off of prednisone the first time and 1 and half years the second time. I think being a competitive athlete is a plus for you because I'm guessing you already eat healthy and it's important to stay active as much as you can without overdoing the exercise.
I'm not sure if you are on a tapering schedule provided by your doctor/rheumatologist but you might find it helpful to read through the references in the following discussion:
-- How to Slowly and Safely Taper Off Prednisone but ... no set rules.
If you want to know a little more about PMR, the following discussion has an informative video - Comprehensive Overview Of PMR:
What really helped me manage my symptoms was keeping a daily log of my level of pain (0 to 10) and my dose of prednisone for that day when I got up in the morning. Do you keep a log of your pain/symptoms and doses daily?
I’m not sure what to expect “under control “, but I’d say mine is definitely not there yet
I just started last week. I don’t think I’m even on an appropriate dose yet because I’m suffering tremendously. So no talk yet of tapering.
I think under control means pain free and no stiffness within a few days of starting prednisone. I have been completely pain free during the 8 months that I have been treated, but I started at a very high dose of prednisone for GCA. It sounds like you need a dose of 25 or possibly even 30 mg of prednisone, and would need to stay there for a few weeks to recover from PMR.
I finally got so frustrated that I began a radically different approach. I quit any attempt at a real fitness and workout program. I tried it all and still reviewed my records for 3 or 4 months, now going back over a year and thru every stepwise PMR tmt protocol and said, "Not working." I was much better than at the start but limited improvement (yes there was a small improvememt) over the longer term (6 mo-yr).
Using a fitness/PT principle called SAID (Specific Adaptation to
Imposed Demands), I began using my spoons for walking, and approached general fitness goals by doing housework in the moderate to heavy levels. I walked my young dog, to keep me from speed walking. Cleaning was done with one bite at a time (heavy cleaning 1 bathroom cabinet, or 1 room's floor, or downsize/declutter in 1 cabinet). Rest/knitting day if I felt it the next day.
OMG ITS WORKING!! I'm now averaging 5K steps per day for 1st time since this PMR started!! I'm maintaining the flexibility I gained with hours spent in yoga classes per week at the gym. And guess what? My new young dog is getting trained (I'm an experienced dog trainer/dog sports competitor), my house is gradually getting seriously cleaned and downsized, my mental state is 1000% improved, my needlework productivity had soared.
And the key, the absolute foundation, the necessary rule, is: go slow. #GoSlow. GO SLOW..
Decided to use my limited energy and mobility
I agree with jeff97. After spending months with extreme pain and barely able to function let alone work out I self diagnosed myself with PMR. I took 20mg equiv. of prednisone and the pain was gone in 4 hours. From all my reading 15-20mg is about what the Dr likes to start for treatment. Otherwise they start thinking that maybe this is not PMR and maybe yours is not. Your age will also make the Dr hesitant. GCA diagnosis takes double that dosage. I am familiar that some PMR sufferers have found that a higher starting dose is necessary. If your Dr. is willing to work with you, then maybe try going to 40mg for a 2 or 3 days. The prednisone works on PMR and you should be pain free. Prednisone has a lot of complications so you want to try to taper back as soon as the pain is gone to your lowest possible dose. Within the first 12-14 days you can experiment. After 2 weeks your body shuts off cortisol production and you need to taper more carefully. Once the pain is gone you can start to workout. Be careful since you still have inflammation and are taking drugs to mask it. PMR is not necessarily a life sentence.