Poorly Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: What tests check for metastasis?
I have been diagnosed with poorly differentiated thyroid cancer. I had a thyroidectomy and have started levothyroxine.
I will be going to oncologist at Mayo, wondering which scans or test are required next for possible metastasis.
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Hi @tdara, welcome. I'm tagging @jessea, who was also diagnosed with poorly differentiated thyroid cancer.
I found this journal paper about poorly differentiated thyroid cancer. Scroll to the section called "Medical Imaging" for a list of tests that help.
- Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma: a clinician’s perspective https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9010806/
I'm glad that you are going to Mayo Clinic. You will be in good hands with access to top-notch diagnostic tools and tests. When is your first visit? Do you have questions about going to Mayo?
Hi my mother recently got diagnosed with poorly differentiated thyroid cancer in November 2024, she had a total thyroidectomy and was just told that the RAI treatment would not work. Have you obtained treatment?
@deeram, I'm tagging @tdara to make sure they see your question.
@deeram, what treatment has been recommended for you mom after surgery?
@tdara, how are you doing?
I received a reduced dose RAI treatment in Dec of 23 due to uptake in the thyroid bed.
PET scans have been every 6 months with no further evidence of disease at this point. I have nras mutation with tert.
Hi. I have thyroid cancer that progressed to my trachea. I had a total thyroidectomy and neck dissection October 2024. The doctors at MSK did not consider RAI. I just completed 35 days of external beam radiation with chemotherapy enhancement 6 times. If they are not doing RAI, are they considering radiation?
Unfortunately the tumor grew back while she was healing from the total thyroidectomy complicated by an esophageal perforation. She is going to have a tracheotomy and her larynx removed followed by radiation. I’m glad you were able to start treatment right away and I hope you have a great recovery journey!