Positive Evenity results

Posted by neesie0159 @neesie0159, Jul 23, 2024

I had my DEXA scan a week ago after finishing Evenity just over a month ago. With my luck I was expecting little results. Luckily it was good! Lumbar spine went from -4.6 to -3.0 Right femoral neck from -2.9 to -2.2. All the ridiculous copays were worth it to have my spine improve that much. My new PCP (I moved 3 months ago) hadn’t gotten the report as of today, so I downloaded it from my patient portal and emailed it to her. I still have a crappy spine, but not nearly as crappy as it was. Just a tip, be persistent when you need something medical. The place I was originally referred to for the DEXA said they couldn’t get me in until mid August. Multiple calls later, I got an appointment elsewhere within a few days. When I hadn’t heard from my PCP a week after the scan I called them. I don’t know what’s next yet, rheumatologist was pushing Prolia partly because it’s once every 6 months instead of a daily pill, but I had no unmanageable side effects with alendronate and Prolia is an unknown. Thanks for reading!

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greetings, All! May IO suggest a wonderful natural product - a liquid silica - called ORGONO SILIPLANT - my nails are super strong, and my hair (I'm 80) is long and thick - I do color it!!! Having a hard time giving that up, for sure. You can take as many servings as you like, but it's an incredible product, and I have a number of friends who also swear by it. I take one - two servings a day. It comes with a plastic measuring cap.


There is always the option of paying for a DEXA. I've been told it is not super expensive. I just finished two years of Tymlos and will start Evenity soon and I plan to get a DEXA whether insurance will pay or not.

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I don’t know how much they cost, but I work part time and pretty much just get by. I’d have to take out of savings, so I would rather have insurance cover it.


Yeah!! Congratulations!!!
This process of finding the right Osteo drug can be exhausting! I know!!
Sounds like Evenity is a blessing for you.
After Evenity do you have to go on any other drugs?
Were you on Evenity for 12 months?

I am at a crossroads of which way to go. My insurance does not cover Evenity, so I will need a letter of medical necessity. Oh Boy!
We are all so lucky to be able to connect on these health topics.
Thank you Mayo!

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I’m now on Prolia, 2 years of that and then will do Reclast.


There is always the option of paying for a DEXA. I've been told it is not super expensive. I just finished two years of Tymlos and will start Evenity soon and I plan to get a DEXA whether insurance will pay or not.

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Medicare covers my Dexas once a year. If you are on a bone building drug or have severe osteoporosis for a diagnosis, they will pay.


I’m now on Prolia, 2 years of that and then will do Reclast.

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I am curious since I am plotting a similar sequence.....what happens after reclast. I couldn't agree more about how exhausting this osteoporosis journey is.


That’s fantastic. I am supposed to go on Evenity after my baseline Dexa and bloodwork. Did you have any side effects while on Evenity or any advice? Thank you!

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I had my first Evenity injections 2 weeks ago in the back of my upper arms. Both given at once (two nurses 🙂 and I got to large lumps 2” by 2” that disappeared within a week. I feel that was a positive start. Good Luck!


I am curious since I am plotting a similar sequence.....what happens after reclast. I couldn't agree more about how exhausting this osteoporosis journey is.

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My endocrinologist says I may not need anything after Reclast. I guess we’ll see.


My endocrinologist says I may not need anything after Reclast. I guess we’ll see.

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That is very interesting. I will talk to my endocrinologist about that. I would love to be off osteoporosis meds.


Happy Evenity worked for you!


I was on Evenity for the first time on 2020. The results were very good, my DEXA scan showed improvement. After I finished one year of monthly injections with Evenity, my endocrinologist put me on Reclast for three years. On 2023, I was on a "drug holiday". At the end of the year , when I had my DEXA scan it showed that the osteoporosis worsened. My endocrinologist put me again on Evenity. I never had any major side effects (just pain at the site of the injections). I had my first injections on February 26, 2025. I hope Evenity works for me as good as it did the first time.

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