← Return to MDS-CMML-1: Anyone dealing with pruritus (itching)?

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Welcome to Connect @sme225 Oh gosh, itching is the worst, isn’t it? I had AML 6 years ago and can empathize with what you’re going through. So thank you, on the behalf on anyone going through this, for sharing what has worked for you to alleviate the itching. Hopefully it will bring relief to someone else.
It appears your condition is being well controlled with Jakafi. Have there been any changes over the past 10 years in your blood numbers?

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Replies to "Welcome to Connect @sme225 Oh gosh, itching is the worst, isn’t it? I had AML 6..."

My white cell count has gone from 100k to 29k but my red cells, hemoglobin and platelets are all very low. It works, but there’s a trade off.