← Return to Cholangiocarcinoma - Bile Duct Cancer - anyone else dealing with this?

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My husband has the same diagnosis as you - but just recently. How are you doing? Did you have surgery? Chemo? Join any clinical trials? Ar you at Mayo Scottsdale? Elizabetta

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Replies to "Dan, My husband has the same diagnosis as you - but just recently. How are you..."

Dear Elizabetta -- I was diagnosed in January 2024 with distal cholangiocarcinoma. Treatments included 10 biweekly chemo infusions followed by 28 daily (Monday-Friday) radiation complemented with oral chemo at the University of Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson with radical bile duct resection and reattachment surgery by Dr. Mark Truty and his team at Mayo Rochester in October 2024. A Whipple Procedure was a possibility but not necessary. The pathology report showed "no residual carcinoma."
