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Oh dear. I have diagnosed MGUS and severe osteoporosis of the spine. I’ve been in pain for a little over a month. The pain is the back of my neck up into my hair line and runs a bit across both shoulders. I wonder if I have broken something…
welcome to the blood disorder discussion group. I remember when I was diagnosed with MGUS about three and a half years ago. I certainly felt as though I had come undone as well. The more I read online, the worse my apprehension. As Ginger said in her previous post, MGUS is considered a benign blood disorder, but some of us are overachievers and have symptoms. Some are overachievers and there is progression to Smoldering Multiple Myeloma or Multiple Myeloma. The risk of progression is, however, very rare.
Dots have been connected between MGUS and osteoporosis. The literature refers to what are called "fragility fractures."
Most of us with MGUS get bone scans on a regular basis to ensure that we don't have lesions that would be a cause for concern.
I have osteoporosis as well. I have a spot on my C2 which has been identified as osteoporosis. Otherwise, I have not had any fractures or other cause for concern associated with MGUS. My blood analysis that's done every six months is currently almost exactly the same as it was when I first saw my hematologist/oncologist 3 1/2 years ago. I have learned to relax and not attribute every transient pain or illness to progression to multiple myeloma. Chances are I'll die of something totally unrelated.
It'ss important to have a hematologist/oncologist with whom you have a great deal of confidence. I'm sure your PCP is excellent but this is a complicated blood disorder and you want to get someone who really knows his or her stuff. The reason that we look for someone who is experienced in treating multiple myeloma is that this person will have good understanding of the progression from MGUS to Smoldering or full-blown multiple myeloma.
The other thing that makes me feel at peace is every time I go see my hem/onc doc, as I leave, he reminds me that right now I am fine and in the unlikely event that my condition progresses to multiple myeloma it is very treatable.
I don't want to minimize your feelings because when you are first diagnosed it is scary. We have all been there. When you have your follow up appointment from all the testing that is being done, take your list of questions in to your physician and make sure that all your questions are answered. It's important that your doctor takes the time to go over your test results and ease your fears.
I will be thinking about you. Will you let me know how this goes for you and what they find out about your fracture?
I too was diagnosed with OP in 2022. My endocrinologist order SPEP and I was diagnosed with MGUS.
My cousin had spontaneous lumbar fracture. Diagnosed with severe OP- and not MGUS or MM. So I think vertebral fractures due not necessarily mean MGUS or MM.
Patience which is hard at this time.
Hope this helps.