Chronic Pain members - Welcome, please introduce yourself

Posted by Kelsey Mohring @kelseydm, Apr 27, 2016

Welcome to the new Chronic Pain group.

I’m Kelsey and I’m the moderator of the group. I look forwarding to welcoming you and introducing you to other members. Feel free to browse the topics or start a new one.

Why not take a minute and introduce yourself.

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Thanks for the welcome. I’m new to this group. I recently started painting management at Johns Hopkins and more will be revealed.


Hello everyone!

My name is Terry. I've been suffering from CRPS for many years. This crippling pain is primarily in my left arm, wrist and hand. I've seen more then 5 specialists, had all the testing done over the years, had my ulnar nerve relocated, had ketamine injections, all resulting in the CRPS diagnosis. Finally I had a Nevro stimulator implanted a year ago which is helping make the pain bearable along with Lyrica twice a day, Cymbalta once a day and Motrin as needed. Some days are worse than others. My fingers feel like they are breaking in two at times and the dull pain never goes away. I'm never warned when the worse pain will explode so making plans is difficult. Otherwise I'm trying to live my best life at 69. It helps to communicate with others, knowing you are not alone. AARP just recently had an article on nerve pain. It's worth reading. I made a consultation appointment to see Dr. Vu at Houston Methodist who is part of the pain management team featured in the article. Looking forward to a better chapter in my life.


Thanks for the welcome. I’m new to this group. I recently started painting management at Johns Hopkins and more will be revealed.

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PAIN management. Not painting😂


Hi I have been having pain in my back, left side thoracic area for 15 years off and on. I’m hoping to find someone that can help me figure out what this is.


Hi my name is Julian.Im 75 and been living with CIDP for 10+ yrs, Many chapters in this time and Honestly only 2 things have helped. Lidocaine patch for my hand and feet nerve crazies and Percocet , past 7 yrs. I used in short spurts for 50 yrs, due to knees and back, and in all this time I have never been high or couldn’t reduce even now from 100mg to 20 in a couple weeks.


Hi Margo I have severe stenosis and I actually already had minimally invasive surgery a year ago but it came back after a few months. Now I also have pain from walking and standing again after it went away only for about 3 months after the surgery. Have you had an MRI? You might need surgery once you get the MRI or actually you need to find a back doctor first to prescribe an MRI.

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Thank you for suggestion.
I’m sorry you have pain again after surgery, which scares me.
I go on Monday to a pain management and spine clinic.
It will be interesting to see how they’ll help.


Do you have a diagnosis and MRI images and where are you located? Let me know what they suggest. I'm very confused about what to do also. One neurologist suggested that I not have further surgery and another thinks I should. I'm going to a famous Spine clinic this week, Brigham Women's hospital in Boston to get an opinion there. Good luck and keep me posted.


Thank you for suggestion.
I’m sorry you have pain again after surgery, which scares me.
I go on Monday to a pain management and spine clinic.
It will be interesting to see how they’ll help.

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I went Friday and they were no help when it comes to Neuropathy. Only Gabapentin was recommended. You can get that from your family doctor. Pain Clinics want to do epidural shots and implant that tens unit in your back.
How is this going to help Neuropathy? More scams!


I have just been newly diagnosed with CRPS Stage 2 (Chroninic regional pain syndrome)


Look, just because one doctor tells you that "there is nothing that can be done", that doesn't mean there isn't something that could be done. If I listened to the three orthopedic surgeons who told me the same thing, I would likely be an invalid or dead. You have to keep searching. Get several other opinions. Don't give up! Keep looking! You are stronger than you think.

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Thank you for your response. I don't even know where to look.

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