EMG results
Today is my second EMG. The first one was testing on my feet and legs which is telling my neurologist polyneuropathy. To get a definitive answer, hopefully, today’s EMG will be on my hands and arms. I’m bedridden and my only out is doctor appointments because my husband works 12 hour days, to give y’all more insight of my condition. I’ve done physical therapy and have achieved walking with a walker only to be discouraged because the aftermath is excruciating pain in my feet for days. My next step is pain management. My questions are, does anybody relate to my story? If so, did you get a definitive answer after your second EMG? How did pain management work for you? If you can relate, where are you now with your neuropathy journey?
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.
Did you have an accident/fall/injury? Your EMG of upper and lower limbs will tell you if there is peripheral nerve damage to muscles that control your arms and legs.
Did your neurologist do a skin punch biopsy on your leg/ankle to test for small fiber neuropathy? This can cause foot pain. Did you have extensive neuropathy bloodwork panel?
Depending on the EMG results, you may also want to see an orthopedic spine specialist to do MRIs of your cervical and lumbar spine. Compression of spinal nerves/cord can impact your arms/hands/legs/feet and cause pain, numbness and weakness (radiculopathy/myelopathy). I have small fiber neuropathy, myelopathy and radiculopathy and spine/central nervous system issues do not always show up on EMGs.
Hello @mrshill, I would like to add my welcome along with @dlydailyhope and others. Getting a definitive answer can be a problem for a lot of us. There are many different causes and even with the different testing it can be difficult to get a diagnosis. There is a YouTube video by Dr. Matthew B. Jensen that goes through the process of diagnosing and does a good job of explaining the different tests - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FrQ7Glvgok.
You might find it helpful to scan through other discussions and comments by members on neuropathy pain management - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/search/discussions/?search=neuropathy%20pain%20management.
Do you mind sharing how long you have had the symptoms and if they started after an accident or injury?
My neuropathy hit all of a sudden and came on very slowly. I was walking my dogs, almost a year ago, and my legs just felt very weak and from there it slowly went to my feet and hands. I’m getting my results from my second EMG soon so I’ll definitely post about that.
I haven’t done a skin biopsy but I have done bloodwork and did MRI’s and those all came back normal so I’ve been quite the lab rat, I’ve felt like. Until I get definitive answers of what’s actually going on with me, I won’t settle and keep pushing for answers. Only answer so far is severe neuropathy and that my neurologist is thinking ketamine treatments in my future if my arms and hands give a similar result as my legs and feet.
The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some tips and suggestions for people who are newly diagnosed with neuropathy including how to better advocate for your health - https://www.foundationforpn.org/newly-diagnosed/.
I hope your pain management helps. Unfortunately all mine did was test me with result of severe neuropathy
(which I already knew, duh) and prescribe oxycodone, which did not help at all 10mg. I never tried raising the dosage, just stopped trying with that.
They didn’t help you at all with ways to cope with it and trying to live a normal life? My husband keeps saying the same thing you are. I keep having hope because my doctor already prescribed all the medication and referred me to pain management so I kept arguing that my doctor wouldn’t prescribe all this medication just to send me somewhere else to get more. Now I’m really having doubts about going and spending MORE money that’s not going to benefit me for the long term. Sigh…😒
Hello…I’m sorry for your symptoms. Did you talk to your doctor about CIDP? Also did you have Covid in the months prior to your symptoms starting.
Best of luck in finding an answer.
My neuropathy started many years ago before covid and and my borderline diabetes. I am looking for adoctor who specializes in neuropathy. I went to a pain doc who gave me tests and gave me oxycodone and said nothing can be done
Yes….mine also. I’m pre diabetic but my neurologist has never labeled my neuropathy as caused from the pre diabetic issue. I have some autonomic involvement also. I don’t have a ton of pain so no meds. I’m surprised your Dr went with Oxycodone …typically gabapentin is the drug of choice for neuropathy. I hope you find some answers.
@stallen I don’t even know what CIDP is…definitely looking that up. All my doctor has said so far is that I have severe peripheral neuropathy. I’m currently waiting on my EMG results. I did have COVID in the fall and the neuropathy hit the following summer. Please educate me if you don’t mind…I’d so appreciate it!!