Bursitis in left hip replacement
When I went to my follow-up with my surgeon at the Mayo Clinic in August. To see what was causing me to have pain in my left hip. He discovered that the reason why I was having the severe hip pain in my left hip replacement was due to bursitis. His resident injected me with a steroid right into the spot where it was hurting. But, now two months later. The bursitis is back. Which is strange. Thinking about going to one of the local orthopedic doctors at the clinic I go to here at home where I live to see if another steroid injection will help. The pain is leaving me fully dependent on my power wheelchair again because it hurts to walk.
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Well, I'm one of the lucky ones then! I've had far fewer bouts with bursitis in my hips in the 18 years since their replacements than in the 10 years before. In spite of suffering a serious case of metallosis and having 3 revisions.
Bursitis is an inflammation in the bursa, typically caused by injury, irritation, or infection. Early after hip replacement, trochantic bursitis occurs in up 15% of patients, often due to swelling during the healing process, but most is cured by a steroid injection, though some require more than one. Subsequent bouts can be prevented by strengthening the surrounding muscles. I don't have numbers in front of me, but I would bet that close to 15% of people without hip replacements suffer bursitis at some point in their lives as well.
Have you had hip replacement surgery?
Yes both hips have been replaced the left in 2005 and the right in 2010. The right is a Stryker that is a recall. And unfortunately I now need revision surgery on it.
I had a right hip replacement six years ago and developed bursitis in that hip about three years ago. I do have injections about twice a year and it does help.
Are you having metallosis symptoms or other problems with the Stryker hip? Have you found a surgeon yet to do the revision?
Yes I have a surgeon and I’m have problems with my hip. The hip is clicking and I’m having pain and trouble walking. I’m already scheduled for surgery at the end of October.
Hi there
I had same and found I can’t have that area massaged or it wrecks the injection … I also had my hip stretched by Massure and sadly I think that has also wrecked it. So I won’t be letting anyone near the bursar or over stretching ever again. Just incase it helps.
Try MFR! There is a section here at the Mayo Forum on it. I had my hips replaced 2012 and 14. (mid 50s) Every once in a while they act up from a variety of things. It can take a little bit to resolve it, but either rest sometimes OR exercise AND MFR (myo fascial release) gets them relieved. Do see your surgeon periodically to make sure everything structurally is good to go. I'll need mine done again at some point I'm sure.
Are there any excercises that can help hip bursistis after a hip replacement? Both of mine were replaced 10 years ago, but periodically I get bursitis pain in the left hip. The replacement tself is fine, it's been xrayed several times. My Dr told me stretching excercises would help, but gave me no guidance. Does anyone know of any videos etc that might show me some helpful excercises?
Ask for a referral to Physical Therapy, and get guidance from them. Stretching is helpful, but it is necessary to tailor it to you - some stretches my 50 yo ortho would like me to do are too hard because my balance is not as good as it once was. But the PT showed me alternate ways of exercising the same muscles. And more than one way - some to do while lying down, others when standing.
Also, form is very important when doing PT - I am in the midst of rehab from shoulder surgery. The first PT (the boss) was mostly concerned about the number of reps. The one I prefer to see watches my form on each new exercise, and I can feel the difference when done correctly. She also emphasizes that I should rest on fatigue rather than pushing through, because getting too tired leads to sloppy form and possible reinjury.
PS my hips are nearly 20 years old, and still going strong, except when ugly bursitis rears its head. But now I know to do the stretches at least a couple times a week to keep it away.