Fibroids causing UTI-like pain?
Hello all, I am almost 63, and have had fibroids for almost almost 20 years. They were not bothering me physically but I became concerned about them and had an embolization in 2008. The procedure didn't really shrink the main fibroid, and I stopped worrying about it since it was benign and didn't appear to be bothering me. For the past 3 years, I have had occasional symptoms that feel like a vaginal infection or a UTI, which seem to resolve eventually with clobetasol. The symptoms came back in October and have gotten worse. I don't have an infection or a UTI. Clobetasol hasn't helped. I use estrace and a new gynecologist I started going to says my tissue looks in good shape. She was alarmed by feeling the fibroid, which is large and hard as it has calcified. It is on the side of my uterus facing my bladder. She thinks it may be pressing on a nerve and causing my symptoms. At her suggestion, I'm going to consult with a surgeon (I've had both an ultrasound and an MRI). I'm hoping the surgeon can shed light on whether these symptoms could be from the fibroid--of course I wonder why I haven't experienced them earlier. Perhaps because the fibroid has become more calcified and hard? Has anyone heard of such symptoms from a calcified fibroid? Also, from what I'm finding online, it looks like a hysterectomy may be what is offered due to the size of the fibroid, that it's calcified, and cause I'm post-menopausal. I'm worried about possible side effects of a hysterectomy. Any thoughts on either of these subjects would be greatly appreciated.
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What is the size of the fibroid? Has a biopsy been done to determine cytology? It could be pressing on your bladder and causing pressure/pain/discomfort.
Can anything be done to reduce the size of the fibroid to avoid a hysterectomy? Did you read the ultrasound and mri reports to see what is listed as impressions by the radiologists?
Did you do any hormone replacement therapy perimenopause or during menopause?
Did you get a biopsy of your uterine lining? It is not typical for fibroids to grow during menopause and should actually shrink due to reduced estrogen and progesterone. I have a couple fibroids and in menopause in my mid-50s.
Here are some helpful links:
Thanks for what you shared. I already know the basics about fibroids. What I wanted to know is if anyone has heard of UTI-like symptoms with fibroids. My fibroid is pretty large. Here's the MRI description: There is a nonenhancing anterior subserosal fibroid measuring 7.8 x 7.1 x 8.6 cm.
It hasn't grown, but it is only marginally smaller than what it was. Evidently embolization (which I had about 20 years ago) doesn't always shrink tumors.
There's no cancer concern, it's really a mechanical concern--is it pressing against organs or a nerve and producing these symptoms? I still need to talk to the surgeon, but wanted to hear from the community.
And no, I never took HRT.