Peripheral Neuropathy - Shooting Foot Pains at Night
Does anyone have experience with symptoms like the following? I apparently have bilateral peripheral neuropathy in my feet. The worst symptom is, if I've been active on my feet during the day, overnight I get shooting pain that seems like it's coming from my plantar fascia. Depending on the night, pain feels like cramping to an electrical shock feeling. Pain lasts only a second, but then repeats every 30 seconds or so until I get up. I get awakened 2-5 times a night by this - very disrupted night sleep.
During the daytime, no foot pain while I'm active. But shortly after, the bottom of the feet have a pins-and-needles sensation.
Lyrica reduces the night pain level somewhat. Any suggestions on causes or therapies to try would be greatly appreciated.
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I have tried them all
Really ever cream, pill…
Lyrica cause double vision right away.. grabention makes everything worse
Hot and cold treatment help some…
When you have neuropathy ever Doctor doesn’t make sure there aren’t other problems that are Cather pain..
I also have both ankle very stiff…
Thank you! Yes, diagnosed with bilateral idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, even though nerve conduction studies/EMGs showed no damage to long nerves and skin punch biopsy at Johns Hopkins did not support small fiber neuropathy.
Like you, using Salonpas lidocaine patches - they help with needles-and-pins sensations in the feet. A new doctor has started me on alpha lipoic acid and vitamin B1. She also prescribed magnesium - seems to upset my stomach, but may try it again since you've had some luck with it. I tried Rugby capsaicin cream but feet had burning sensation when I exercised, and no help on night pains.
Appreciate your experience and advice!
Thank you kathyv66! In the area of "misery loves company," was interesting that someone else has/had similar overnight pains.
Glad that acupuncture worked for you. I tried 4 sessions, but no help in my case.
On footwear, I now never go barefoot. I wear Hokas with orthotics while outside and often inside. One doctor recommended Nike slides with good arch support for inside, and I've had good luck with them.
John, thank you for being a mentor and thank you for the great links to related discussions! You are right that I have two overlapping initial messages - the first one did not show up on the web page, so I prepared another similar message. Now both messages appear - sorry.
The complementary treatments I have tried, and results, are as follows. Lyrica 50 mg reduces night foot pain, but higher doses or a daytime does leave me too groggy and spacey. Could not tolerate Cymbalta (stomach issues and headache). Ice gel packs on feet help at night. Surprisingly, so does taking a hot bath. Plantar fasciitis boots help a little.
I'm a fan of using lidocaine patches on the bottoms of my feet at night. Tried Rugby capsaiscin cream but it made the bottom of my feet feel burning, and it didn't provide any relief.
A sports medicine doctor is doing nerve blocks on individual foot nerves. When she's found a nerve contributing to foot pain, she is doing prolotherapy (injection of a sugar solution near the nerve to create more space for the nerve and nourish the nerve) - that is helping someone. She suggested alpha lipoic acid, vitamin B1 (I already get ample B12 from a daily vitamin) and magnesium. Just started them 2 weeks ago, so too early to tell. Plus, the magnesium seems to irritate my stomach.
I occasionally use a TENS unit when daytime pins-and-needles sensations are bad. It seems to reduce those sensations.
I tried acupunture, but it didn't help me.
Hope this summary helps others.
I did alot more than 4 sessions of accupuncture before it made a difference. I think initially, it was 2-3 times a week for a month or so and then reduced to twice and then once per week for months
Try ashwagandha it got me sensation back i lost for a few months due to a pinched nerve, i still have the pain but i got the sensation back