At a loss, multiple consultations still no answer...any idea?
In the last year my health has rapidly declined, I've recently had a blood test which was normal except for my folate which was low. My Dr conducted an examination, but was unable to properly diagnose me.
Any idea what it may be from these symptoms:
*Pulsating headache, difficulty focusing.
*Weak eyes where they feel droopy along with being dry and painful.
*Dry and sore mouth.
*cheek and jaw pain.
*Changes in pigmentation, face appears gaunt.
*Back pain.
*Odd tingling sensation present in hands and feet.
*cold hands along with an odd rash present on hands and knuckles, which is a deep purple.
I know something isn't right, yet I'm unable to obtain the answers I need. I've added some images before the changes occurred to now so that you can get a context into what's occurred. Any insight will be greatly appreciated, many thanks.
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Change25, glad you posted some pictures as they are quite helpful. With your list of symptoms, I would suspect an autoimmune disease with neurological symptoms being part of it. There are several conditions that I think should be considered. The muscle pain, droopy eyelids and dark purple rash on your knuckles could indicate dermatomyositis. This is uncommon, but it should be checked out. The most important laboratory tests for that are 2 muscle enzymes, a CK and Aldolase. There appears to be a possible Heliotrope discoloration of your eyelids. This also goes with dermatomyositis. The dry mouth could be from Sjogren’s. There are two tests, part of an auto immune panel that can help identify Sjogren’s – SSA and SSB. The numbness and tingling in your legs feet and hands can indicate possible peripheral neuropathy which a neurologist would identify and test for. folate deficiency can cause peripheral neuropathy but so can autoimmune disorders. The rheumatologist should do a full auto immune panel, which tests for many antibodies against your own tissue, the ANA being an important one, but is nonspecific to a single disease I hope you are on a folate supplement to correct the deficiency. I would make appointments with both a rheumatologist and a neurologist. Hopefully your insurance does not require a referral. If it does, you might need to see a different primary care doc and go armed with information and pictures that you research and collect. you can see pictures of Heliotrope pigmentation of the eyelids and Gottrons papules on the knuckles of people with dermatomyositis online. Depending on your finances, you can also order your own blood test at a place like Labcorp. A CK muscle enzyme and ANA would be important and probably not too expensive. This is a lot of information to digest, but I would do your own research looking at information and images online on these things. Good luck and I hope you get answers soon.
many ways to skin a cat. i like the idea of b12 injections.
i am going to ask again for progesterine. no one wants to give them to me.
i have osteoarthritis and want oral steriods.
Hi change. So much to process. May I assume u r seeing RA doc? If not, u must. To ur issue, u might have medicine induced skin issues. Ck with dermatoligist for potential relation.
Look into Multiple Conective Tissue Disease. I have it and it’s in the late stages but I’m still looking for something to help. If you somehow happen to have an autoimmune disease, being young is probably beneficial. Look into natural things to help support your gut health. Gut health is everything. Good luck. Just a side note, I watched something today that was all about having mold in your body. Just something to look into.
As someone mentioned earlier, I would look into Sjogren's. The most common symptoms are dry mouth and dry eyes. But it's so much more than that. Unfortunately the blood test for it has a 30% false negative, but there are two other procedures to diagnose it (a salivary gland biopsy that no one recommends, and an ultrasound scan). I've narrowed my illness down (after 10 years) to either Sjogren's or MS. But I have dry eyes, double vision, sandpaper tongue and dry mouth periodically, muscular pain/weakness, tinnitus, hand tingling, cold all the time lately, and tons of digestive issues. No rashes, but everyone is different. Best wishes finding your answer.