Axonal peripheral neuropathy: Finally, a diagnosis!
I know I've been here before, but probably not for many months For the past few years, I have seen specialist after specialist hoping to finally receive a diagnosis. Only last Monday I was told by the most recent of several neurologists that I have axonal (loss) peripheral neuropathy. Now that I have a name to attach to my problem, I would love to talk with others who have received similar diagnoses. I have such basic questions: What to do now? What should I expect? Where do I go from here?
Ray (@ray666)
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What is the cause of the neuropathy?
Dr Ann Oaklander is a research neurologist out of Boston. I went to see her for answers. She has a lot of lectures online. She has been researching neuropathy since before2015 and her daughter is a research neurologist. Neuropathy is just the beginning what is causing the damage to the nerves. That question drove me crazy. Mine was autoimmune neuropathy.
Have you had the biopsy to see if you have small fiber neuropathy?
Dr Oaklander helped a lot. I had all ready had the emg/nerve conduction testing and the biopsy for small fiber neuropathy. I had listened to all her videos and wrote down my questions for when I saw her. I was on IVIG from age 10-18 every week. My immune system was very low. She also has a list of labs to be done. I will send them to you if you want them. I had to have them done before she would see me.
Thank you for this information. It confirms our decision nto not have a repeat consult with this neurologist.
Thank you so much for your encouragement. I would sure appreciate your sending of the list of Labs you had to have done. Len and Joan
I know exactly how you feel. I've had lifelong high blood pressure, now I have low blood pressure and constant lightheadedness when standing or walking. Sorry for your troubles.
I never had the rash but other things helped diagnosis
When Sjogrens started I did not know what it was but I had no tears and no saliva, that helped diagnosis
I got Raynauds at the same time . Lupus is in remission,
Sjogrens is improved, No improvement in Rayauds
I'm 80 years old. I think there's not much point in my getting any more tests done. Fortunately, my axonal PN causes no pain, only severe walking and balance problems. I know those will get worse over time, but as an "old man", everyone is very understanding and helpful with me. In fact, my wife and I are planning to travel a bit in March. I just bought a nice collapsable traveling walker which I will take with me. We'll see how it goes.
I'm 58 and mine started in December of 23
Dizziness and unbalanced walking my primary had every test done on me
And only thing they find is vestibular Hypofunction and neuropathy
And it's really sad because I've been healthy all my life except syncope. But but I had covid in 2022 for 23 days and after that it's been downhill I'm taking therapy for vestibular Hypofunction but I'm using a walking stick now it's been life changing
Here are all the labs required.
Thank you for this list from Dr Oaklander. This will greatly assist us in finding a Neurologist who can use it as a guide. Len/Joan
Thanks for your comments. What is the RST Sanexas Treatment? I have Large Fiber atonal sensorimotor PN.