Getting nervous!
As I mentioned previously, my doctor couldn't do the biopsy in his office and is referring me to a gynecologist. The wait time where I live is 6 months but he is hoping to get me in quicker. It's only been a little over a week but wow, this is just hanging over me - not knowing if I have cancer or not. I made a telephone appt. with my doctor next Monday - that will be 2 weeks - to get my pap smear results and to ask him about the gynecologist, or if there is any other way I can get a biopsy. Thanks for listening. It felt good to just get this off my chest.
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@suesam February 28 is coming up next Friday. I'm so glad, again, that you were able to get an earlier appointment. How are you feeling this weekend?
Awwwww... Helen, you are so sweet to keep me in mind. Thanks for asking. I am so nervous and scared yet glad to have this day drawing closer. I don't even know if he's doing a biopsy that day or if it is a meet and greet sort of thing. I'm going to prepare by taking Advil just in case he tries in his office. This will make it 3 months since I was told I need a biopsy. I know my doctor attempted one at the 5 week mark, but waiting 3 months is so darn long. I try to be positive and not think of it but it literally hangs over my head every single day. And I find it hard talking about it. I'm super close to my sister but every time I mention cancer she tells me not to be negative. Another close friend says the same. I am not a negative person at all but my reality is - that it could be cancer. I'm being realistic about it all. But I am scared, that's for sure. Thanks for listening.
@suesam I sure understand why you are nervous. You are having this biopsy to rule out cancer and I do hope the biopsy results are negative. Talking about your fears to your sister and your close friend must be difficult when they kind of argue with you about your reality. It could be cancer but of course you hope it is not. You are doing everything possible to take care and advocate for yourself in a medical system that has had many delays. That's so difficult because waiting is really hard.
I've learned over the years that some people want to talk me out of my feelings such as "oh, don't worry". Well, I do worry so how about asking me what specifically worries me? The very best and most loving thing we can do for one another is to listen.
So this is me listening.
Awwwww.... Helen, and I thank you for listening. You're right - the best and most loving thing we can do for one another is listening. Thank you. And it's also true - it's hard when people try to argue about my own reality. I am aware it might not be cancer, but I am also aware it might be cancer. My doctor actually said, 'They believe it's cancer unless proven otherwise.' So to have someone say that I'm being negative (when I'm not) by thinking it could be cancer and another person say, "Oh, just believe it's not cancer", really undermines me. And 3 months is a long time to have it hanging over me - just waiting around for a verdict. I admire all the women on this forum who have waited as well for answers, treatment, results. It's tiring. I've kept busy, etc, but it's always there, lingering. Thanks for listening. It means the world to me.
I think the irony of the situation is that our friends and family need us to project positivity and being strong to make them feel better, but sometimes all we need is somebody to whom
we can just admit how scared we really are. It can be exhausting.
You're absolutely right. There's a lady who lives near me and I ran into her the other day. She has cancer and she admitted how scared she was. I really respected her honesty and the fact that I could just offer her a listening ear. I was amazed that just mentioning the fact that I was having a biopsy to determine if I have cancer, set people off. I was amazed that they didn't want to hear that and said I was being negative. Sheesh. I was just being realistic but I guess they think our job is to make them feel better. It sure is exhausting.
@digbb You wrote what I was thinking but I wasn't certain how to say it.
I am very grateful to have found this forum where we can support each other, and are able to be honest about our physical and emotional struggles that go along with a cancer (or potentially cancer) diagnosis. We need community.
I so agree with this. It feels good to be honest about how we really feel and the fears and challenges we face. This forum has helped me so much. Thank you to everyone.
@digbb I agree with you 100%! The need to be real about our cancer with those we love most can be very strong. But we can be left feeling very alone when at the same time we see how terrified they are themselves and our instinct is to reassure them. Definitely irony! And definitely exhausting. Here, we can be honest and supportive in a way that we need to be and in a way we understand. @suesam, sending good thoughts your way, keep us posted!