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Post ICU Nightmares / Hallucinations

Intensive Care (ICU) | Last Active: Feb 24 10:53am | Replies (39)

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@keeble0910, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I want to assure you that you are not alone with what you are experiencing...and Yes, people are still participating in this ICU Support Group, and others related to ICU recovery and post treatment symptoms.
I had a situation last April when I was given Ketamine during an emergency room treatment for a broken wrist. Although I was only 'out' for a short time, the after effects caused me bothersome effects that I had not experienced before. Needless to say, it was nothing like you are experiencing, but for me it was a frightening experience.
My other situation was 16 years ago when my liver and kidney were failing and I spent time in ICU. At that time, after recovery, I wanted to know what had happened during my very critical time when I was not aware of my situation. Later I was able to fill in the gaps in memory with information from husband and by looking at my hospital charts. That brought me some peace of mind. I don't know how that would relate to your experience, but that is my story. I hope it gives you a glimpse of hope. PICS is defined as new or worse health problems after critical illness. These problems can affect your mind, body, thoughts, and/or feelings.

Have you ever heard of PICS-Post Intensive Care Syndrome? PICS is defined as new or worse health problems after critical illness. These problems can affect your mind, body, thoughts, and/or feelings. I would like to invite you to visit and to participate in this support group and to meet other members who have experiences similat to yours.
- Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) - Let's talk
@keeble0910, Are you receiving any counseling or medical follow-up as a result of your nightmares? Has the underlying cause for your incident been identified? Are you now able to walk and to take care of yourself?

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Replies to "@keeble0910, I want to welcome you to Mayo Connect. I want to assure you that you..."

Rosemary I cant thank you enough for replying. I have been trying to find help for months and noone is interested, I've phoned crisis teams care co ordinators the gp the specialist teams. Noone is listening. My hair is falling out rapidly and my body is shutting down from stress.
I was promised a debrief a few weeks after the incident that has not happened and I suspect will not now. My psychiatrist tried to blame me for the incident and told me I must have taken an unintentional overdose while experiencing such severe delirium I couldn't stand and was incontinent. The hospital did mris lps cat scans because the suspected I had a brain infection but nothing was found. The only lead I have is that when they attempted to wake me up again, they loaded me up with my medications including my antipsychotic. My mum noticed my eyes had puffed back up again and flew into a rage at the consultants, so much so they actually listened and totally flushed my system. 10+ litres of saline diuretics everything they could to get it back out and the swelling went back down. One of the pharmacists we spoke to said it was possible the drug built up in my system to unsafe levels and caused a severe allergic reaction. I have not seen my notes, not even my discharge summary, I have had 3 phone calls from the person who put me on the drug since my release and no other help. My partner is supportive as can be but we have a young family and there is only so much he can do. I suffer from derealization, cptsd, agoraphobia, incontinence headaches and weakness of limbs since I've come home. It took weeks for me to manage solid food again because of the ventilator tube, the first time they took it out to wake me up I developed stridor and had to have one put back in urgently.
My voice has come back and I can use my hands much better now but I have brain fog, confusion I muddle my words and many more things.
I will check out the link you have posted, thank you again for replying, you are the first person since this happened that has shown any interest at all and I'm very grateful.