Post Interferon Syndrome

Posted by jerbobs @jerbobs, Jan 31, 2018

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I went thru Interferon and ribovirin poisioning with a full year complement and have not been the same ever since! Mental and physical fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, anemia,skin rashes, poor sleep and on pain medication for years just to operate on a daily basis... after exploring the facts that I was never a drug addict, homosexual, or any other blood exposure I began to investigate my life... I discovered that while I was processed thru the military they injected me with a jet gun and was exposed to hundreds of other humans blood as it was spread... shortly after was hospitalized twice with serious fever, rash, and almost died... diagnosed in 1972 with ARDS and have never been the same since that experience... the Veterans Administration denies any culpability in this process but, if it was anymore obvious a blind person can see it... I have lost faith in the medical community as they have knowledge yet they are controlled not to discuss... I now know as I took a year to investigate this and, have proof positive the US Government spread Hep C thru out the population thru faulty practices and lie and conceal the truth... need help with getting medical care from the VA without a bill associated with what they caused???

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I have lost faith in physician’s , as well, I was diagnosed with hep c years ago. I was put on the same medication you took. When I look back on it, and think I was taking these drugs, while they told me there was no cure for my hep c, at the time. Being young and having complete faith in the doctors, not knowing better. I was prompted to do the hep c treatment. I had a cabinet full of boxes of this medication that was sent to me. I started taking these medication as instructed, not sure how long I was on this medication before I stopped taking it. I was a mother of young child and this medication had me beat. I was so tired, fuzzy headed, and could barely walk a short distance before wanting just to.lay down on the floor, because I was so weak. I still to this day have hep c, but I refuse to go through that again. My doctor tells me there are new medications. He was the one one who sent me to the first hep c doctor. I want to be hep c free but I am so scared.

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