Myxofibrosarcoma: What treatments did you have?

Posted by jonezzi @jonezzi, Sep 24, 2022

I was diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma. It was large and a high-grade tumor. I had my surgery and will start my radiation treatment next week. My oncologist also stated that chemotherapy scheduled. My pathology report came back with no evidence on malignancy. Is chemo still necessary. I know it is my decision just needed to get a second opinion.

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Hi Jonezzi
I also was diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma high grade tumor in my right lower calf.
I have had 2 surgeries.
During the 2nd surgery I also had radiation on my leg before the plastic surgeon did my skin graft.
Then I had an additional 6 weeks of radiation.
Which played havoc on my skin graft.
But happy to say that is done and my skin graft has healed. I was told chemo did not work on Myxofibrosarcoma by UCSF Stanford and UCD.
I have had 4 opinions.
Where was your tumor located.
It is very difficult to find someone with our cancer.
Looking forward to hearing from you.

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I had radiation first then surgery. had a large tumor in thigh and was high grade checking on lungs now as that is where this type sarcoma likes to go. Have some nodules , checking in 3 mo's to see if they are growing.
The dr's told me no chemo
I am getting second opinion on what should be done going forward.

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