Who cleans your house?

Posted by Kathy @tcokeefe, Feb 21 8:13am

Wondering how many of you in your late 70s or 80s still clean your own home?

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I do.
A few months ago I had a fall. I was asked who does your cleaning and I said I do. You do.
They made feel old and I am 75.
My old neighbor on the farm. 2 times a year she would wash every wall and she did that just weeks before she died well in her 90.


Just an apartment. I do the best that I can but a clean house was never my one priority. Roku goes around 3 x wk, I dust, & pick up items & try to put away. Bathrooms I do once a wk. My number I problems is clutter. Putting things aside to do later. We have slowly been giving items away that we no longer use. I gave them permission to keep or sell. Some items were from my mother so I had no guilt in giving it to my son or grandkids. When we had a person to do the cleaning I found that I was able to hide my paper work and clean up before they came.


I do.
A few months ago I had a fall. I was asked who does your cleaning and I said I do. You do.
They made feel old and I am 75.
My old neighbor on the farm. 2 times a year she would wash every wall and she did that just weeks before she died well in her 90.

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You are young. I am 85 but don’t feel old. Positive attitude. Thought about getting someone to do a deep clean. But now I do it all


I’ve never been a great house cleaner. Whatever I did most of my life I still do at my age if 72.
I have someone clean my windows from time to time (other than the big kitchen window I do myself) but other than that I clean on my own, do laundry, cook dinner, make our bed, vacuum, clean the floors, and change the bed. My husband who’s almost 75 makes us a great breakfast every morning and is in charge of doing dishes, throwing out garbage, and all the gardening in our quite large front and back yards.
Mostly I think it’s best to do as much or as little as you feel good doing.


I do.
A few months ago I had a fall. I was asked who does your cleaning and I said I do. You do.
They made feel old and I am 75.
My old neighbor on the farm. 2 times a year she would wash every wall and she did that just weeks before she died well in her 90.

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I don't think I have ever washed my walls in my life!


I always hated house cleaning. My husband loved a clean house and did much of the cleaning. (In 55 years of marriage this was the primary sore spot). When we turned 75 essentially together, I announced we were done house cleaning and hired someone. He’s been gone 5 years now and I still miss him terribly, but don’t miss cleaning the house.


I’m 77. I have housekeepers come once a month to do the hard stuff or what I hate doing. I started having this service when I was caretaker for my husband and couldn’t do it all. He died 5 years ago but I thought why not continue with the service for myself. Felt like I deserve a break . If you can afford it why not. Instead of scrubbing the bathroom and the floors go do something fun. As you look back on your life will you really regret not doing more housework.


I aam 84 and I have a wonderful housekeeper who comes every Monday. She is good for the house and for my soul!


I’m 75, and have people come here and clean once a month.
The movement disorder I have has me off balance all the time, so I can only do basic things. Functional tremors have joined the “party” so I shake rattle and roll.
The icing on the cake is dementia (mild for now), and everything is good because my God is by my side.
Thank you Jesus!


Hi Kathy,
I'm 78 and clean my own home. I do the laundry, scrub the floors, wash the windows, cook meals, dust, vacuum etc. I also do the gardening and take the garbage out. All of this "exercise" makes me feel good. I did pay the neighbor who is a landscaper to clear off my roof of debris. I'm a little too old to manage heights. It all depends on your physical health and your income. House keepers are expensive!

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Hi pml, I'm 70 and do my own housework as you do, and I work two days a week. I hope I can manage as well as you do after another 8 years! You're an inspiration. I know I'm lucky to be as healthy and strong as I am at this stage of life. I'm grateful and hope the good times continue. Housework is not fun, but it certainly gets you moving and bending and lifting, etc! Every little bit helps. I used to wish I could afford a housekeeper, but now I'm glad I can still do the work, It's a perspective change.

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