Who cleans your house?

Posted by Kathy @tcokeefe, Feb 21 8:13am

Wondering how many of you in your late 70s or 80s still clean your own home?

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I'm in late '70s and do my own but not very well.


I am a young 67. I live alone and do my own house chores and cooking.


Kathy, I hope you won't mind my orientation to your question...I'm not trying to pry or to get 'under your skin' and to be an irritant. You have asked the question because one or more of the possible answers is objectionable to you. It makes you feel bad about your circumstances, or your progression rate as you age, or the loss of function, or....you just feel a bit guilty and hope others will 'bail you out' and say come on over to the dark side...pay someone to do it for you if you can't or if you won't...after all these years of doing it for yourself.
I remember Dirty Harry's words in that movie so long ago, 'It's a wise (woman) who knows (her) limits. If you sense you are nearing your limits, now is precisely the time to get this sorted out so that you can spend time dwelling on other matters so much more in your control. If this is where you find yourself, good for you!
My wife and I are still in our late sixties, me in my early seventies, and we still do much of what we can. I am very careful getting up on our roof to do maintenance such as to clear the gutters of all the detritus that fills them each summer and fall. It's a 'must' job, and in fact I must do it several times each fall and winter due to high winds and rain here in the PNW of Canada where I live. We do all our yard maintenance, and so on. But, my dad is soon to be 95. He abandoned his property (my wife and I purchased it and have lived here ever since) when he was 85. His hip needed replacing, and he still pushed an electric mower. He did his own weeding, planting, relocating, pruning, etc...but he realized the time had come to move into a condo. And he did!
Maybe my long-winded response is a lot more than you were looking for, sorry, but I wanted you to know that you are in great company (me and my wife excluded....still)...for now), and that if this would be a welcome relief for you, I urge you to do it, with or without the approval of others. 😀


Hi Kathy,
I'm 78 and clean my own home. I do the laundry, scrub the floors, wash the windows, cook meals, dust, vacuum etc. I also do the gardening and take the garbage out. All of this "exercise" makes me feel good. I did pay the neighbor who is a landscaper to clear off my roof of debris. I'm a little too old to manage heights. It all depends on your physical health and your income. House keepers are expensive!


I am 64. I have had health challenges but am doing better now. Something new has hit me recently though. We have 2 dogs who are my legal ESAs. I help walk them I cook clean do laundry etc. But my energy became drained . I had taken on more than I could handle. I realized I needed to declutter as the pain I have was making it harder to do. Less and easier to clean. I have been working on returning to a composite wardrobe. My husband and I are not hoarders but we own and rv and too much accumulated. I am focusing also on me being more organized. I need quiet time daily. My husband has gone back to work plus is doing some remodeling on our rv. I walk 3000 steps daily.


I am 72 and have a cleaning service come in once a month for a deeper clean than I can manage on my own. In between visits I do my best to keep up with the dog hair! I do the laundry, cooking, shopping, change the sheets, dust etc.


What do they do, mostly floors? That is where I think I need to hire help. I don't mind dusting at all and since we live in a very dusty old house, I do it pretty regularly. But we have wooden floors with lots of area rugs, both large and small, and it is getting harder and harder to clean the wooden part. You basically have to get on your hands and knees to dust it first and then to wash it with vinegar and water.


Hi Kathy, I am 75 years old and live in a senior cooperative. Many individuals in my building ranging from late 60’s to 90 use the same cleaning person. I started using her a couple years ago before I actually needed help as she was very good and in demand. I am very happy now that I have her come in once a month. My energy levels have dropped significantly over the past year. We never know when we are going to need help. We all age differently. Best wishes to you.


I've recently hired someone to do a more thorough job, once a month. Otherwise, I do it.

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