Moving to a retirement home?

Posted by ksdm @ksdm, Feb 1 12:26pm

Any thoughts on how to do this? How to downsize? What do you do with all the "things" you no longer need?

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Good tips, @catartist, for downsizing.

@ksdm, how did your downsizing go? What would you recommend to others?

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My downsizing was into a wee wing of our daughter’s home - private entrance, one floor - into the 3rd bay of their garage plus an existing dummy bed/bath! ! Two rooms, bath and kitchenette. It’s a wonderful solution and so generous! We paid for building conversion, and do grand child and dog sitting making their busy life less complex. We couldn’t find another desirable solution for us both - independence and support for my husband’s bad back and my atrophying muscles etc. its wheelchair friendly too sort of tho I don’t need that yet. Hopefully I won’t outlive this pleasant situation ….. am surrounded still by what’s left of my favorite things - ours - and space to paint even in front of wall of windows! Look for sun in any place you move to - helps the soul and mind.


My downsizing was into a wee wing of our daughter’s home - private entrance, one floor - into the 3rd bay of their garage plus an existing dummy bed/bath! ! Two rooms, bath and kitchenette. It’s a wonderful solution and so generous! We paid for building conversion, and do grand child and dog sitting making their busy life less complex. We couldn’t find another desirable solution for us both - independence and support for my husband’s bad back and my atrophying muscles etc. its wheelchair friendly too sort of tho I don’t need that yet. Hopefully I won’t outlive this pleasant situation ….. am surrounded still by what’s left of my favorite things - ours - and space to paint even in front of wall of windows! Look for sun in any place you move to - helps the soul and mind.

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No idea what a ‘dummy’ bed/bath is!!! Typo! Lol


My downsizing was into a wee wing of our daughter’s home - private entrance, one floor - into the 3rd bay of their garage plus an existing dummy bed/bath! ! Two rooms, bath and kitchenette. It’s a wonderful solution and so generous! We paid for building conversion, and do grand child and dog sitting making their busy life less complex. We couldn’t find another desirable solution for us both - independence and support for my husband’s bad back and my atrophying muscles etc. its wheelchair friendly too sort of tho I don’t need that yet. Hopefully I won’t outlive this pleasant situation ….. am surrounded still by what’s left of my favorite things - ours - and space to paint even in front of wall of windows! Look for sun in any place you move to - helps the soul and mind.

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@catartist you are very fortunate.


Suggested reading:
New York Times - January 22, 2025…When Retirement Homes Go Broke.
A real wake-up call.

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In addition to my post above, I have since written to three retirements homes I had considered (cash deposits at two) requesting specific financial information and related data and I also included a printed copy of the New York Times article…NONE have replied or even acknowledged my request. My next communication with these retirement homes (all big names) will be a request for the return of my deposit.
Stay tuned and I will disclose specifically “who” didn’t respond and/or comply.


In addition to my post above, I have since written to three retirements homes I had considered (cash deposits at two) requesting specific financial information and related data and I also included a printed copy of the New York Times article…NONE have replied or even acknowledged my request. My next communication with these retirement homes (all big names) will be a request for the return of my deposit.
Stay tuned and I will disclose specifically “who” didn’t respond and/or comply.

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Keep us informed...intriguing!


I agree with the concept of doing things you CAN do as a form of exercise that pushes back against the disabilities that come with age.
Another way of living to your fullest extent during that period while you are able, is to move into an adult community, usually 55+. This is different than the places that provide all meals and cost a fortune. I live in a 55+ kind of facility and just love it. But you have to shop around b/c there can be a lot of difference b/t one community and another. What I especially like is having my own full kitchen, not b/c I really love cooking. It’s just that I really like simple fresh foods and the way my self cooked food tastes. Many people do use the services that bring food in and I can always do that.
There is a real sense of “we’re all in this together” here and lots of activities you can join or not according to what you want. This was the best decision I could have made at this point in my life. I am about to turn 85 and still pretty much fully functional. I do have many small limitations that come with age that for me stem from a bad back. And I am very fortunate to have two daughters nearby to call on if needed.

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