MCTD and saline implants - connection ?
Hello. I have been having severe brain fog and fatigue and had every test under the sun the last year including an MRI of the brain last week that was normal, EXCEPT for MCTD which was diagnosed last fall. I’ve had saline implants for about 20 years with no major issues other than some mild discomfort I think at times and now and they’ve gotten a little larger/ more dense (I would say at least a cup size ) due to age and taking HRT. I got them originally after I had my children and nursed and was barely size B anymore. Now I’m going to get a couple consults to have them removed and possibly add my own tissue / fat grafts as I don’t want to be redoing this at age 70-80. (I’m 55 now). I just want to feel better. I’ve also heard there’s no guarantee that the brain fog will go away but hopefully will be improved !
Has anyone had autoimmune issues/ disease resolve after removing saline breast implants ?
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I had written a long well thought out response & lost it all. Extremely frustrating. Bottom line: breast implants are ticking time bombs. I had 3 sets in 40 years. DON'T DO IT. And don't do autologous fat implants either. Remove your implants asap. Breast Implants must be outlawed. The entire encapsulation must be removed & surrounding tissues as well, & everything biopsied. My biopsy showed macrophages everywhere, inflammatory responses, microscopic silicone particles had leaked out, implants had mold inside, autoimmune evidence everywhere. My Exhusband pressured me to get them. I hated them. Unfortunately none of my dozens of autoimmune diseases (many are extremely rare) can be treated at all due to the fact that the treatments are neurotoxic that destroy critical parts of my brain as I have also been diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia, a very complicated form of dementia, no treatment, no cure, fatal. It's a living hell, & not just a memory issue, but extremely painful. As well I have Parkinsonism, Multiple Sclerosis, Polymyositis, too much many diseases to write out here. Contact me privately if you want more information or just want to talk. I have MCTD as well as dozens of other autoimmune diseases, spinal degeneration, degenerative cervical myelopathy, Cervical Tarlov Cysts, severe lumbar stenosis, 3 broken vertebrae, spondylitis, degenerative disc disease, too much to write out. I've been in a wheelchair for over 3 years due to massive demyelination & muscle atrophy and everything is progressive. My body has been destroyed. I'm 72 & looking forward to death.
Saline implants are NOT ANY SAFER. All the same issues can arise with saline implants. Especially mold. All types of breast implants should be outlawed.
Agree that saline implants are a serious problem due to the silicone liners. My implants ruptured at some point (each at different times times) which exposes you to everything inside the implant liners. I had mine removed and not replace and no fat transfer or lift. I am 55 and glad I got them removed (had them for 22 years and all sorts of health issues, autoimmune Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, severe spinal stenosis/degenerative disc disease, etc.).
My brain fog and low grade fevers improved days after explant surgery and my eyes stopped being irritated (felt like they had gravel in them).
My recommendation also is for young women not to ever get them, especially before having children since nursing could be a problem and silicone can leach into breast milk. They are uncomfortable to sleep in for stomach sleepers, can rupture, stretch skin permanently and leaves scars going in and coming out. Not worth the health issues.
Yes, there needs to be a public outreach program warning everyone about the dangers of all breast implants. I've heard of young women receiving breast implants as a high school graduation gift from their parents. It's shocking. Pre-implant I had small breasts, I guess an A minus. At any rate, who cares, you know? I always had wished they were bigger but I didn't feel horrible about them until my (ex) husband immediately started bullying me about how small they were. Talk about a bright red flag right in my face. The decades of my life wasted with this truly awful person who later was actually diagnosed by 2 psychiatrists as a predatory narcissistic sociopath. This information I finally received in 1993. Since then, I'd venture to say that he's actually a psychopath due to other events that aren't necessary to be included here. Another reason why the explant must include the entire implant and the surrounding tissue encapsulated (lots of information on the internet now about this) is to ensure a complete biopsy is done. Most people should know now that breast implants can cause an unusual type of cancer that is rarely found in the breasts. So it's not breast cancer, it's a cancer that has been found in the breasts due to having implants. From the net "Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare cancer that can develop in the scar tissue and fluid around breast implants. It's a cancer of the immune system, not the breast tissue." I can't excuse the FDA for not having banned implants at this point. It's abominable. It's factually been proven to cause this type of cancer yet it's still the bread & butter of cosmetic surgeons.
I’m on a mission and will be having them removed very soon/ as soon as possible! Already had 2 consults
Do you know how they test for this type of cancer ? I’ve had every test under the sun and I will want them to test the tissue sample taken when they come out
Anything removed from the body during a procedure or operation is always (according to the health care protocol in the United States) placed in a container which has the appropriate solution for preservation of the specimen. It's critically important that the correct preservation liquid be used. (An incorrect preservation fluid can cause destruction of the specimen.) Everything is then sent to the Pathology Department of the Hospital. If your explant is done at an ambulatory clinic, they probably don't have their own path department. In which case the specimens will be sent to an off-site pathology center or pathology department of a local hospital, depending on the who the clinic has contracted with. The path lab (whether it's at a hospital or an ambulatory clinic) should be notified ahead of time that included with their routine pathology/histology investigation, they should be notified of the extreme importance of looking for any evidence of BIA-ALCL cancer. Many path labs could scoff at the idea altogether because 1) they don't know that breast implants cause this rare type of cancer, & 2) they don't know have a clue that this type of cancer could ever show up in breast tissue, so they might "blow off" the possibility for this type of cancer & therefore skip the investigation of all the specimens for this type of cancer. I don't know if a different chemical stain or reagent is required to see these rare cancer cells under a microscope, so it could be something that the path lab needs to order ahead of time (especially if you live in a 3rd world country like I do). If your explant is done in a major urban area known for its medical centers, like Houston, then you probably don't need to worry. But if it's done at a hospital or clinic in a smaller setting, I would recommend that you make all the necessary questions ahead of time to ensure that the biopsy is accurately done & that you're not just blown off as being neurotic. It's utterly amazing the number of cosmetic surgeons, general surgeons, & pathologists who have never even heard of BIA-ALCL. I can't stress this enough. Because once the biopsy report is issued, the specimens have been dumped into their bio-hazard garbage & so there's no going back to have another look. I live in Mexico so I had my explant done by a plastic surgeon in Mexico City, the only place in Mexico that has any semblance of adequate healthcare. MX City is very far away so I'm unable to see the doctors there for routine healthcare visits. (My implant surgery was done in the US.) None of the doctors at the premier hospital in MX City had heard anything about BIA-ALCL, in 2018 when my explant was done. They emphatically insisted that implants had never been proven to cause cancer. I carried with me print-outs from highly respected medical journals & offered the print-outs to them. The cosmetic surgeon who took out my implants was fully informed, by me & the journal articles, that he needed to remove the entire intact capsule that had built up around the implants over the years the body's attempt to seal off this foreign object. I asked my surgeon to take photographs of each explant also. I asked him to tell the path lab to examine for BIA-ALCL, but I have no clue if they actually did. The biopsy (Bx) reported the findings of macrophages, lymphocytes, microscopic bits of silicone (which doesn't mean the implants had necessarily leaked because the outside of the implants are made of silicone & silicone particles can slough off.) I wish I had my hands on the report because so much else was found. The Bx report is in a closet somewhere & it's hard for me to hunt things down because I'm confined to a wheelchair forever. My Bx reported "no evidence of any neoplasm." It was not specific enough for me. In my opinion it should have said that no evidence of BIA-ALCL was present in any of the specimens. The fact that BIA-ALCL wasn't specifically mentioned in the Bx report arouses my suspicion that there was no attempt to look for it. The patient must always be their own best & most loud-mouthed advocate. This was done in 2018 & so I think I need to take things in my own hands now & ask my general surgeon to Bx each breast. I'm pretty sure that BIA-ALCL is more widely known now and I'm pretty sure you will be able to find good articles online about BIA-ALCL, photos of the removed encapsulated implants, and information about exactly what is required for a complete explant procedure. Good luck!❤️ If you have any questions, just ask, & those of us who've had the procedure done will be happy to do the best we can to help.
Explant scheduled for March 4!
DeeDee, please let's all know how your doing after your procedure. Sending positive vibes.
I am also in this camp. Breast implants for 20 years, now 7 autoimmune diseases and had them removed in 1994 when I first diagnosed with lupus. Unfortunately I saw no improvement in the lupus symptoms and continued to develop more And more autoimmune diseases. I am in similar shape to rottenweather, which is tragic for us both. It’s the Silicone envelope that holds the saline that’s the culprit. It stimulates the immune system into overdrive producing antibodies that destroy your own tissues. NO ONE should get breast implants for any reason in my opinion. They have destroyed the health of so many women its tragic yet it’s a booming industry for the plastic surgeons who lie to patients that they are perfectly safe! If you have implants, get them out. A foreign body like these don’t belong in your body!
Explant scheduled for March 4
I’m sorry to hear. Can you tell me if you’re taking any supplements or modifying diet or anything to help reduce inflammation? Has anything helped ?
Also have you filed a product complaint on the fda website ? If not you should / everyone should