Can anyone share your experience with a successful prednisone taper?
Trying to tapper off of 5 mgs of prednisone. Currently Endo has me on an alternating dose every other day 5 mg with 2.5 mg and it’s not working. This drug has wreaked havoc with my life and I want off of it asap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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I had a cough for4 weeks went to doc gave peristome 20 mg 2timesday. 5 days today is my last day it is a tough med. am 80 years old type 2. high blood pressure maybe he should have tried. anti biotic first I did not like this. ALL MY NUMBERS ARE VERY HIGH
still hyper from prednisone after stopping it will not take again
negative side effects of. perssioneNOT HAPPY
days later after presidsone. all numbers. still high will not take presidsome again afraid to go to docs. any more
I will keep away from docs. just suffer with it an go about my life SWEET IT outIN THE sauna an hot tub work it out
Prednisone is a life saver ! Don’t be afraid - just careful.
Tapering near lower doses can be a back and forth for several extra days - 1 tab down then back up then down ( ie: after 10 - then 9 then 8 then 9 then 8 then 7 then 8 etc. ). to ‘trick’ body into less of a pain shot. Works.
I’m trying that now. Had to go back to 2.5 after trying 1.25 for 7 days, couldn’t take the side effects anymore so I’m going to try the 2.5 for a few days then try the 1.25 again.
Call drs office. If only on 5 days can just quit.
But important to take in conjunction with time body makes it, which in in the morning.