Anyone had gemcitabine and docetaxel for Bladder Cancer?
Just had second of six weekly doses Gem/Doc chemo infusion for my bladder cancer. Had six doses BCG but cancer came right back. Mine is aggressive but non invasive at present. Been scraped out twice. Any one else having this type chemo? Would like to compare notes.
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Wishing you every good thought for your Feb 4 appointment. Sending you lots of positive energy that the red spots will be gone! All the best to you!
Giving an update on treatment. His last Cysto showed a small spot. It was taken off and a biopsy done- the good news is it’s low grade- so his treatments will continue. This was a little discouraging after two clear prior cystos . We have learned to not be so alarmed. We just appreciate the treatment and the fact that his bladder is in ok shape.
@rjlpool502, how did the scraping and biopsy go? Any update?
I have high grade (CIS) non invasive bladder cancer. I just finished my 6 week induction with Gemcitidine/ Docetraxel. Side effects varied but were tolerable. Have a Cystoscopy on March 12th to see if the cancer is gone.
I also had High Grade/aggressive NMIBC. Finished chemo back in Nov 2024 then had cystoscopy Jan 7th. Dr was concerned about red inflamed areas in bladder so opted for another TURBT with Blue Dye to look for cancer cells and then do a biopsy. Had this done Feb 4th, little scraping necessary and all samples came back negative for cancer. Hurray! Now starting once a month chemo for 3 months then another cystoscopy to look inside and will go from there. May have to do chemo monthly for several years if continues to work. PS _ I had BCG treatments early last year which did not work. If I can keep the C away with monthly chemo I am fine with that! Good luck to you!
Good news, see my reply to vars57 I just posted for full news.
Hope the cancer stays away! Good luck!
Did you go back to BCG treatments?
I also had hair thinning while on gem/doc treatments. I read on website that this can be a side effect and women notice this more than men. There’s a higher number of men than women on this treatment and hair thinning probably isn’t as noticeable in men…
Hi. How long are you at the facility for treatment? How long gem held…?once doc is in can u go home and hold for 2 hours?
Thank you
Have to hold them for 1.5 hrs then drain and put doce in and hold for 1-2 hrs but can go home to do it. Cath comes out after doc is in. Total time at hospital about 2.5 hrs.