About 7 years ago I moved from one state to another, to be closer to my kids, as I'm getting older. Since then I still have not been able to adjust to my new home ..... a senior apartment. I left everything behind I loved ... our house (later my own condo), my church, my friends, and a city I knew like the back of my hand. I have 3 kids down here (all in their 40's and one in her 50's) and when I try to say anything to them they just say, "oh Mom you're fine." I'm not one to speak up, but inside it feels like they are just blowing me off. Yet, I know there's nothing I or anyone can do about it. The apartment bldg. in which I live is full of all sorts of people - some who should be in Assisted Living and some even in Nursing Homes - it's depressing. I no longer have a car as a young man ran into the front of my car in a dug-induced state and totaled it. I don't know whether, at 80 I should get another one or not. I feel alone and useless and like "my time is up." No car = I can't get out freely, and I only see 1 of my kids once a week. The other 2 - rarely. Sorry for the self-pity, but I am so very sorry I left my home. Thanks for listening. Barb
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I too have neuropathy in my feet from chemo. Have just started acupuncture and it seems to be working. Might be worth a try! Cindy
I understand what you’re saying. I’m wrestling with the decision to move to retirement community as I also have HF and no family nearby. I think these adjustments are part of aging. We can never go back to a past “happier” time in our lives. If we could we’d never get old. One issue stopping me is I’m still independent but lack friends. However, I not sure about living with assisted living and nursing home. It’s not easy.
Would love to know where you're moving to! Sounds great and I'm beginning to think a 55+ community offers more opportunities for making new friends both younger and older!
I feel you. Hope it all works out to your best possible advantage.
About getting a car:
Some recent models have extra safety features such a "following too close " distance controls, "drifting out of lane" warnings and so on.
This is something older drivers should consider.
Yes, those features are quite common now, and they work fairly well. No substitute for an alert and skilled driver, but they can get that person out of a few binds now and then, and of course save a life or two.
I have those features on my car but I can't feel my feet on the pedals so I can't drive. I'm 83. If I was younger I would try hand controls.
To @raebaby
I have stopped driving due to extreme anxiety as not only my hands shake but sometimes my whole body. My 86 year old husband with Parkinson’s disease has to be not only the chauffeur but pretty much my caregiver as well. It’s very depressing as I have no sense of independence. No children or pets to spend time with.
I can really feel for you. My husband died with Parkinson's and the help you must have to give him on top of being so anxious has to be awful. I have PTSD from the last time I was driving down a highway and suddenly I couldn't feel the brake. I poked along for 8 miles with everyone honking at me. I was afraid to pull over as I was afraid I'd crash into a ditch. I finally got to my daughter's house. I never drove again.
I have2 cats and my son stays with me often. Other than that, I live alone out in the country.
To @raebaby
My sincere condolences on your husband’s passing. Do you mind if I ask you how old he was when he passed. I know my husband’s illness is adding to my anxiety as I don’t know what I will do if he predeceases me. We were shocked when he was diagnosed. It’s very difficult for my husband to get appointments with his neurologist as she is highly sought out. You are very lucky to have children. I am fearful my anxiety will never go away. Thank you so much for responding to my post.