Sorry cant access photo- this is one of the articles’ title. ARMS is another mutation that acts differently from CFH.
CFH and ARMS genetic risk determines progression to neovascular age-related macular degeneration after antioxidant and zinc supplementation
Demetrios G. Vavvas (Anunpo, Г. Báßpaç)", Kent W. Small', Carl C. Awh', Brent W. Zanke", Robert J. Tibshiranie,t1,
Sorry cant access photo- this is one of the articles’ title. ARMS is another mutation that acts differently from CFH.
CFH and ARMS genetic risk determines progression to neovascular age-related macular degeneration after antioxidant and zinc supplementation
Demetrios G. Vavvas (Anunpo, Г. Báßpaç)", Kent W. Small', Carl C. Awh', Brent W. Zanke", Robert J. Tibshiranie,t1,