I dont know what to do about my pain

Posted by brittanylg @brittanylg, Nov 18, 2024

This is probably a long one, but I've been having so many issues with my back and neck for literal years. I've done all the things...PT, injections, pain meds, massage, chiropractic care. I had a recent MRI of my entire spine showing:
Osteophytes and neural foraminal narrowing and decrease in diameter of the thecal sac at C3-4
Posterior disc bulge, slight facet arthrosis and neural foraminal narrowing at C4-5
Posterior disc bulge, slight facet arthrosis with osteophytes and annular fissures at C5-6
Posterior disc bulge with osteophytes at C6-7
Posterior osteophyte formation with slight narrowing of the left neural foramen at C7-T1
Posterior disc bulge at T3-4
Posterior disc bulge with small left paramedian disc protrusion (no cord impingement) at T4-5
Osteophyte complex with moderate right-sided anterior extradural defect upon thecal sac at T5-6
Left paramedian disc protrusion with small left paramedian disc protrusion (no cord impingement) at T6-7
Posterior disc bulge with posterior annular tear at L3-4
Posterior disc bulge with moderate facet arthrosis and slight bilateral neural foraminal narrowing at L4-5
I saw a neurosurgeon who at first said I needed surgery but after my EMG of the LE came back normal, he said he can't do anything for me and I should see a Rheumatologist come back to see him in a year. Should I seek a second opinion with an Orthopedic spinal doctor or another neurosurgeon. I can't walk or do basic daily activities without excruciating pain. I keep up with my PT exercises at home and I see my pain doctor every month. I'm just feeling so defeated. I'm only 37 years old and I can't enjoy life.

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I really appreciate your input. I only wish it worked faster.

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Me too - at least there’s always hope for improvement and better days ahead


I am a 55 year old female who has spine issues and surgery on both cervical and lumbar spine. I have quite a lot of experience reading my own MRIs over the years and your MRI communicates a lot!

You need to research top orthopedic spine specialists in your area asap! You have spinal cord compression injuries at a couple levels and can have permanent injury to spinal cord and function if you do not have decompression surgery asap! It seems you have either had injury to your back because one level is cracked. Did you have an accident or injury? You should stop all manipulation to your back by a chiropractor because that can make things worse. Also, hold off on massage and PT until you get 2nd and 3rd orthopedic spine specialist opinions. Rheumatologists will not help treat your spine! Your issues in your spine are structural and mechanical pressure on spinal cord and nerve roots/nerves.

Please advocate for yourself to get the right diagnosis and treatment. Spinal cord compression injury is called myelopathy and that is part of your problem and very serious. You don’t want permanent disability at your young age. I have cervical myelopathy and had ACDF surgery in 2022 to decompress my spinal cord. I had daily headaches, neck and shoulder pain/knots, arm/hand weakness, dropped things and handwriting worsened, bladder control issues and walking difficulty (balance and weakness and felt like I was wearing cement boots on). The surgery temporarily helped with some symptoms but I now have some permanent disability because it took 5 years to get properly diagnosed and treated. I may need a 2nd surgery in the next month or so due to returning myelopathy symptoms. I encourage you to research degenerative myelopathy/spondylotic myelopathy.

Praying for you to get the help you need asap!🙏

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Agree! I have been down this road going on 3-4yrs


The days look less bleak if you can find mobility assistance. I really mean it. Get a walker, walking poles, or even a mobility scooter. Have many stops during the day to sit or rest. I found that lying face down with firm cushions under my pelvic helped to stretch my back. Also from a lot of the injuries I needed to sleep on the floor on a mat with pillows all around. It encouraged my spine to move into a position that helped.
It can be hard to accept the discouragement of daily pain and suffering entrapped at home. Your ability to cope so far is crucial and shows strength enough to build on your courage. Keep trying different things, talk to your Dr and local hospital for pain relief methods. Let them know you need help. If anyone can help to get cooking and shopping done say ok to the help and never give excuses for not lifting stuff. A lot o further injury occurs due to gardening and chores. Keep your mind focussed on better days that do come.


I wouldn't take one opinion who says this is all I can do for you, while you continue to be in pain, along with a MRI stated all the prognosis you have listed. Where do you live? How far are you from a university-medical setting? My sister lives in Northern California and is a patient at UCSF. While I was living in Northern California, I too was a patient int he neurosurgery at UCSF, and had a spinal fusion of L5-S1. I continue to have pain, but exercise and fitness keep me sane, while finding the right neurosurgeon to treat the lower spinal condition called scoliosis. I turn 70 in ten days, and I am a patient at Mayo in Phoenix, while navigating the road to treat my condition without surgery. I am afraid if I did have surgery, there goes tennis, hiking, biking, and many aspects of life I enjoy. Have you heard about myofascial release therapy? I found a physical therapist who also specializes in MRT, and have had two sessions, which I have been pleased with. With a doctor's referral, I pay nothing. Look for it, and see if this could help you.


The days look less bleak if you can find mobility assistance. I really mean it. Get a walker, walking poles, or even a mobility scooter. Have many stops during the day to sit or rest. I found that lying face down with firm cushions under my pelvic helped to stretch my back. Also from a lot of the injuries I needed to sleep on the floor on a mat with pillows all around. It encouraged my spine to move into a position that helped.
It can be hard to accept the discouragement of daily pain and suffering entrapped at home. Your ability to cope so far is crucial and shows strength enough to build on your courage. Keep trying different things, talk to your Dr and local hospital for pain relief methods. Let them know you need help. If anyone can help to get cooking and shopping done say ok to the help and never give excuses for not lifting stuff. A lot o further injury occurs due to gardening and chores. Keep your mind focussed on better days that do come.

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Minimally invasive helps about half the people. Pain doctors will have some suggestions but be cautious


Hello, I’m so sorry, I can say that because I felt like my lender ended after my first back surgery, early 30’s. I’ve had 4 including fusions. I also have fibromyalgia was DX b4 I ever had back pain. My mother said I always comps about it, but it wasn’t until one morning I woke up and couldn’t me. I’ve been on opioids for pain 12 yrs. It sucks but at least lets me have a quality of life. I was also on tramadol too, and two muscle relaxers, I’ve had anxiety b4 anything . Think around 25 started, Bad attacks pull my car over couldn’t breathe. I also have asthma since I was born. If u saw me u would never know I mask it, I don’t like people to look at me as someone they need to fix. I need another surgery C4 Radiculpathy. I’ve pushed it cuz surgeries are barbaric. I do have faith tho I guess that’s what helps me day to day. Getting up is the worse. Is it a 3 or 8 today. Dr’s, psych, therapist don’t get it. Cuz to be in pain every day and your surgeons tell u it won’t stop. Is hard . Having no energy sucks, no sleep sucks. I just 🙏❤️that my Dr. continues the Dr. othe that was taken, Peopke look at u like your a drug addict…. You have to suck it up. If they knew how strong u have to be . Of course your going to depend on your meds, because they help u live quality of life. I tried a buponorphine, it’s what is taken to help pain or Dr. s that don’t want to listen and help u, it works little causes a rash. Plus after 12 years my dr. Sees what works . Also I’m gonna do surgery. Gotta stand up , don’t let people take advantage because your in pain and it’s unethical immoral . Sorry so long❤️❤️❤️


I feel your pain... I'm rowing that boat as well... It's always.. "old age" (I'm 51 - being dealing for 10 years), "arthritis"... injections do not help. Two surgeries have not helped. I'm in severe pain, day in, day out. Can't sleep. Pillow graveyard in the corner of my room because I can't find "the right one". I also, have NO faith in doctors today and I've been an RN for 20 years. It's depressing for sure. But. I found this: https://www.mayo.edu/research/clinical-trials/cls-20357361 I don't know where you are located but I would definitely get another opinion and then another.... advocate for yourself UNTIL there is satisfactory resolution.


I hear you. I have had chronic spinal defect related pain for over 10 years...since age 40. Found out i had multiple tarlov cysts in whole spine, worst in sacrum. Having an issue rarely any dr acknowledges or treats has been a misery. After menopause my life has been ruined. I cannot enjoy daily activities...so much muscle and connective tissue loss and weakness, despite HRT which has not helped. All they give you is drugs and injections which don't solve the cause. They tell you they don't care about cause. It's awful that approach. If you don't know how you got there, you can't fix it. I am trying to find a dr to refer for more alternative approaches like stem cell, PRP therapy and such...but it's difficult and expensive. I was a musician, very active, avid gardener, hiker...I've lost the ability to walk now due to SI joint dysfunction and pain.

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