Dear @bsimm54
I am so glad you posted here to find answers. Brain injury is very complicated. While seeing a neurologist and getting an EEG is a good step, I don't think it is a complete picture.
Here are three ideas that you may find helpful:
1) I recommend searching for a neuropsychologist who specializes in behavioral issues related to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). They can assess and treat the cognitive and psychological impacts of brain injuries, including behavioral changes.
2) Another good tool is getting a psych evaluation. My son, who sustained a very serious TBI, just had a psych evaluation done. It was several hours long and took two days. It was very insightful. It helped guide us.
3) A fabulous resource for learning strategies and techniques for navigating the challenges of brain injury: --BEST (Brain Education Strategies Technology) provides free online group sessions and recorded videos to help brain injury survivors handle life's challenges. It's a wonderful organization. The sessions are great for BOTH the survivor and any caregivers/family members to attend.
1) neuropsychologist who specializes in TBI
2) psych evaluation
3) for learning strategies
I hope you have family/support people who can guide you. You will always have a brain injury, but the brain injury doesn't have to always have you!
Best Wishes,
Maria Lara
Hi, @marialara - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. It sounds like you and your son have been through a lot with your son's severe traumatic brain injury. Looks like you've also learned many useful tips along the way as his primary caregiver.
I'm tagging a few members in the Traumatic Brain Injury support group who may have input or questions about what you shared about a neuropsychologist, psych evaluation and learning strategies. Please meet @gregd1956 @craigdunn @gwenrn74 @kayabbott @lakelifelady. Also, I'd love for you to meet @IndianaScott, who has talked about caregiving on this site. You also might be interested in checking out the Caregivers support group on Connect,
Would you share more about how the psych evaluation was insightful and helped guide you?