The Lung Transplant Support Group meets weekly on Zoom. Mayo Clinic patients and caregivers, who are pre- and post-lung transplant are invited to join the informative and supportive group.
Tuesdays: 1:00 pm. – 2:00 p.m. ET (find your time zone)
Preregistration required. Contact: Bea Flores through Mayo Clinic Patient Portal.
Note: This group is for Mayo Clinic patients and their caregivers only.
Want to connect with others any time?
Join the discussions in the Mayo Clinic Connect Transplants Support Group online forum. Ask questions and get answers. Give and get support.
Can someone tell me how to contact Bea Flores to gain access to the Lung Transplant Support Group Zoom meeting? I could not find anyway in the portal. I contacted Mayo Clinic and had someone message Bea but have not heard back.