Vulvar Cancer: Anyone else?
I have posted on other discussion group about my struggle with my health, previous cancer stories and concerns for my genetic history. I can’t seem to get a break. I just had a biopsy today to rule out vulvar cancer. I honestly didn’t even know there was such a thing. Has anyone been diagnosed with this and is it more common than what I have been reading?
I am BRCA2 and MSH6 positive. 2 time breast cancer and ovarian cancer survivor I have lived a drug and alcohol free life it just doesn’t end!
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Are you using that during or after you finished all your treatment? My irritation & itchiness is a side effect since my treatment 1 year ago. My oncologist suggested a vulva mosterizing cream OTC, but I think I need something stronger! Any suggestions?
During and after radiation treatments I used Aquaphor regularly. I don’t need it anymore but it did help soothe that area as well as baths with Aveeno soaking powder with oatmeal. Even after one year I still do not wear underwear, it’s just too annoying. I have a simple bidet that my husband installed on the toilet for cool water relief. This also helps keep things clean since soap tends to dry and irritate this area when I take a shower.
I also used aquaphor during my treatments and still continue to use it on bad days. I also prefer no underwear!! Do you still suffer with some itchiness or inflammation? I think I need to be careful with detergents I use!! Thanks for your feedback & help!
I had vulvar cancer in 2023. My last pet/mri came back fine. Is anyone still suffering with inflammation/itchiness that comes & goes? Not sure what to use?
Hi ladies, I'm new to the group but unfortunately a veteran to the vulva cancer. I won't go into everything right now but I am thinking of all of you who may be just beginning your journey. Stay diligent in your surveillance. My precancer and cancer began in 2007 & after four wide local excisions I was referred to Mayo where I still go since 2013; many years we traveled up to 15 times in one year from MI to MN for my cancer.
It is not easy, you are your biggest advocate because you know your body best. Biopsies suck, but they are so important. I used to say after about 7 surgeries, "why aren't we doing chemo or radiation" and many surgeries later, I endured chemo and radiation and all it did was make my case worse. The damage my body has now from the radiation is horrible and we can't go backwards only forward. I'm a big advocate for standing up for yourself, asking for the best of the best...even at Mayo there are some not so great surgeons and physicians. Hugs to all of you!
Ok how does no underwear help? I have not tried this. Doesn't the scar hurt worse with just pants on? Do u wear leggings or sweats?
@yoopergal55 Welcome to the Gynecological Cancers group. Thank you for your supportive words to the other women in this group and reminding all of us that being an advocate for oneself is the best thing we can do for ourselves.
Do you live in the UP of Michigan?
I did not have surgery. Had radiation & chemo. It will be 2 years in August since treatments. Still very sensitive down there. In the beginning I could only wear skirts but now I can wear only sweatpants. No leggings. Those days are gone! I have to be careful sitting. I don’t think my skin will ever be the same! Is that normal? I also get itchy & irritated if anything touches that area! Is that normal? No underwear when I’m home!! That feels the best!
Ok I had part of my vulva removed. so that is the scar I am referring to. I was told my skin will always be sensitive and will probably always be that way. I am 2 years out as well.
Any irritation, inflammation or itchiness? Not sure if this is from detergents. Do you use anything?