Can anyone share your experience with a successful prednisone taper?
Trying to tapper off of 5 mgs of prednisone. Currently Endo has me on an alternating dose every other day 5 mg with 2.5 mg and it’s not working. This drug has wreaked havoc with my life and I want off of it asap. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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With just a 5 day dose of prednisone, tapering is not necessary. But, as you have found it does affect your blood sugar and blood pressure.
The aim of this short course of therapy is to calm the inflammation in your airways.
Did you have the cough as the result of a cold or influenza? If so, this will hopefully take care of it. If it persists, you should be evaluated for any underlying respiratory condition like asthma or COPD so you can get a long-term treatment.
How is the cough now?
on my third. day
50 percent better
50 50 thisdrug makes me sick not happy with drug
the doc should have tried. anti biotic. first person is not good orreesionneis not good-rednisone is not. good
presider some isn to good not happy
Hi, @petrullo - welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Sounds like you are having some challenges with your taper off prednisone and perhaps with the drug itself.
I have taken 2 tablets of 20 mg of prednisone daily for 5 days when I have an asthma flare I cannot get resolved. It seems to resolve the flare. The "cost" for me is only sleeping about 4 hours per night while on the prednisone. Also, my husband and children think it takes away the filter for my mouth. In other words, when I take prednisone, I tend to say whatever comes into my brain without stopping to think about whether it's wise, helpful, kind or a bit too "colorful."
I go off the prednisone with no taper, and I've not noticed side effects. It seems everyone metabolizes drugs differently, though. Many Connect members have reported having a tough time tapering off of prednisone.
Will you share more about what your doctor put you on prednisone for, petrullo? Did it help with the symptoms you were experiencing at all?
I had a cough for on month the doc gave peristomemaybe he should have did a ani biotic first. I did t tolerate it good but today is my last day onit it hxlpssoso I really expected anti biotic first. in my option PERSIDSOME IS no good for e. never again sorry I went to him
I did not tolerate preidsome bp rise. blood sugars over 300. it made me. hyper very hyper. not good I could tell. but will stop here it is a terrible. drug I had a cough 4 4weeks after the flu all I wanted was a anti biotic never took presisome. before. never again. am 80 not happy with. doc as u know
did not like presisome