Stapedectomy caused tinnitus and other hearing issues

Posted by barrywendy @barrywendy, Mar 19, 2024

I had a Stapedectomy more than 3 months ago. It caused tinnitus and other hearing issues. My surgeon hasn't offered any help or suggestions about what to do. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Yes. They say 1% of probabilities of issues, but that is not true. It's a lot more, I think they say it because surgery means money. I was kindda deaf in my left ear for decades, but was a normal guy, which I'm not anymore.
If my experience can help someone thinking of stapedectomy, don't, if you can cope with being a bit deaf and some tinnitus. Not worth.


Yes. They say 1% of probabilities of issues, but that is not true. It's a lot more, I think they say it because surgery means money. I was kindda deaf in my left ear for decades, but was a normal guy, which I'm not anymore.
If my experience can help someone thinking of stapedectomy, don't, if you can cope with being a bit deaf and some tinnitus. Not worth.

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I absolutely agree. I so wish I had read this before having a stapedectomy over a year ago. The worst thing that ever happened to me. I wish I had never had the operation. I am so angry and depressed. I feel like a victim. The surgeons criteria for success has nothing to do with patients' experience. At least this is true for me. I feel it ruined my life. I have to work so hard mentally to get past this horrible operation and experience. 😞


Hey @barrywendy how are you feeling now? Have your symptoms improved? I’m deciding on if I should get the surgery or not.


Hey @barrywendy how are you feeling now? Have your symptoms improved? I’m deciding on if I should get the surgery or not.

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Back in 2011 I had a Stapedotomy not a Stapedectomy ( a stapedectomy typically removes the entire stapes footplate and has it replaced with a micro prosthesis. During a stapedotomy, a prosthesis is positioned within the precisely-made and measured hole that is created in the footplate of the stapes bone.). I just needed it in one ear and my hearing improved immediately and I had no problems.
I have read that the issue is finding an experienced doctor in this procedure. Originally there were a lot of people needing this procedure but with measles vaccine (measles thought to be one of the causes), there are now far fewer cases.

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