Swallowing and PMR

Posted by adamgb @adamgb, 3 days ago

Has anyone had a problem with swallowing after the onset of PMR?
I was diagnosed in December and after about a month, as the pain moved up from my hips to my shoulders, it felt like the muscles in my palate weren't coordinating with the esophagus. I have had a few scary near choking episodes. I now take small bites and chew and swallow slowly with frequent sips of water.
I'm pretty certain the muscles involved with eating have been affected but I couldn’t find another discussion about it here. I’m hoping this problem will improve along with my other muscle groups.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) Support Group.

Do you have any other symptoms such as headaches, tenderness around your ears or scalp, or any vision problems? I was diagnosed with GCA last June, and before my diagnosis I had a lot of fatigue in my jaw muscles. That's a common symptom of GCA. I would feel the fatigue when I was chewing.


I hope you have figured this out -- call your doctor or go to ER ? Or --- do you have a fast track clinic for GCA near you ??
for example in Boston :
Please let us know if you are ok !


You said that after a month the pain moved up to your shoulders. If you were put on steroids/prednisone you should Not have pain moving up to your shoulders. If it were me I’d get back to your doctor and explain what’s going on. Especially the swallowing.

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