Can PMR present in the clavicle too?

Posted by lori62yb @lori62yb, Jan 31 9:43pm

I’m a 62 year old female, who was diagnosed in summer of 2020 with PMR. About two weeks before the PMR symptoms happened, I had a sudden onset thunder clap headache come out of nowhere, while brushing my teeth. It didn’t feel like a normal headache, but like my scalp was on fire! I would later be diagnosed with Occipital Neuralgia.
Then I had barely gotten my ON symptoms under control, when I began having pain in my quads, hamstrings and upper body. I went to see a Rheumatologist, who diagnosed it as PMR in September of 2020. I’ve been treated with prednisone and have been through numerous tapers…without success. I was put on Methotrexate with my prednisone and began to taper again and once I dropped below 5 mg of prednisone, it all came back. I was on the Methotrexate for 6 months.
I’ve since tried three more times to get off the steroids and no go! My Rheumatologist recommended Kevzara last Spring as another option, as an assist to taper off. I asked her if I could try on my own one more time, before trying Kevzara, as I wasn’t too thrilled with the possible side effects. During a 8 month very slow taper, I was able to get down to 3 mg without significant pain. I felt I could deal with the discomfort, that was presenting with the taper. But once I dropped below 3mg, I began having clavicle soreness on my right side, which quickly became very sore and eventually moved to the left side as well. It felt like a burning pain at times and made my chest wall below the clavicle, very tender. I was unable to get my shirts on without terrible discomfort and laying on either side was uncomfortable. After enduring 3 months of this, I let my doctor know..I was upping my steroids to 10mg. It took 5 days and finally the pain was nearly gone!
I saw my Rheumatologist last week and she said it couldn’t be PMR, that it just doesn’t present that way and she had never had a patient say they had it there. She mentioned I could try Kevzara, but also said that it wasn’t shown to work on patients with no inflammatory markers…which I’ve never had. I decided it wasn’t worth all the side effects, if it wasn’t shown to even be effective in people without inflammatory markers.
She ordered X-rays last week on my clavicle area and my groin, which are two areas that I’ve had some of my worst pain. When it’s really bad, my legs hurt a lot as well.
Since the X-rays all came back very normal, she is still pushing Kevzara…now for 3-6 months. I’ve been in other forums and a couple people with PMR, have had it present in their clavicle area…but she’s not hearing me. I’m just frustrated and ready to be well. I’m very active and workout a lot. I have never lessened my workouts, even when it makes me more sore at times. It’s my mental savior, with this horrible disease! When I increased to 10mg, the clavicle pain nearly was gone. Now it’s creeping back in and I’m still on the same 10mg dose of prednisone. My Rheumatologist says I’ve been on steroids too long and now I’m worried she’ll cut me off, if I don’t try Kevzara.
Thank you for your support!

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I feel for you, you are not alone. This is one frustrating disease. I am down to 3.5 mg and I’m trying to stay there, it’s right on the edge. I’ve had it for 8 years and I am comfortable staying on Pred for the long haul under 5 mg. I started Kevzara then backed out after one injection, scared of cancer.

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I agree! I’m not looking to trade pain for Cancer or stroke etc..Currently I began tapering AGAIN, from 10mg and now on 9. The pain in my clavicle is starting to come back, but it’s very mild…so I’ll take it slowly and hope for the best. I hope I can get down to 3mg again, which is where I picked up this clavicle pain. I’d stay on 3 indefinitely if I could have minimal pain.
Good luck!❤️


Hello Lori,
I don’t know why your doctor would say that PMR doesn’t normally present in that area!?Really, it almost always is in your shoulder area and last time I looked your clavicle is in that general area! I get horrible pain in my shoulder/clavicle area. Is she a rheumatologist?
Anyway, I’m so sorry to hear about your PMR journey// it can be very frustrating, I know. I’m on my 2nd round of PMR and have tapered down to 5 mg prednisone. I have an appointment with my rheumatologist in April (the soonest I could get!). He wants me to try Actemra and I would like to get off prednisone and pain medication so I’m willing to give it a try.
Wishing you the best on this continued journey with PMR.

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Someone else mentioned Actemara, but it’s not FDA approved, so I doubt my Rheumatologist will let me try it. She’s really wanting me to try Kevzara, to help me taper off steroids, but the increase of getting Cancer isn’t something I’m interested in. It has a lot of other potential side effects as well. I did try methotrexate in 2023, but it didn’t work for me. I was on it 6 months and wasn’t able to go below 5mg and the pain was really bad on 5.


I always keep in mind that each of us has our own journey. April 2024 apparent GCA attack left eye lost 15% - never medically verified (not unusual) began 48mg Prednisolone . 7/10/24 began self injections Actemra 162mg/.9ml once a week with 15mg Prednisone 10mg AM 5mg PM also began a tape reduction of 1mg/week Prednisone. Between then and now Actemra was temporarily stopped for Covid (1 injection)then a tooth extraction (1injection). Today I am holding at daily 2mg Predisone and the Actemra weekly. Will be meeting with Reumatologist plus Blood work in 3 weeks for next steps. I had minimal side effects with the Actemra, sometimes tired the day after the shot. If you try the Actemra. I wish you good health on your journey.

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Thank you for your concern/-best wishes on your PMR journey!


Yes, PMR can affect the clavicle area, at least according to the rheumatologist Dan Bunker who made a presentation to a medical school class entitled " Polymyalgia Rheumatica, what has changed since 1957?" You can find it on YouTube. He uses ultrasounds and PET scans, not x-rays, to show inflammation. Either end of the clavicle can be affected, at the sternum or shoulder. When my PMR was very active I had pain in my rib cage, making it painful to take a deep breath. I also had stabbing pains under my shoulder blades as well as diffuse pain that went from one shoulder to the other. Many of the odd pains I did not mention to my rheumatologist because they are looking for classic symptoms (which I also had) and I did not want to be pigeonholed as a psycho female chronic pain patient!

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Thank you so much! I will look him up and send to my Rheumatologist. I’m now beginning to taper from my increase to 10mg on prednisone and I’m currently on 9mg and the clavicle pain is slowly coming back. Which tells me it is my PMR. She wouldn’t accept my increase in January, as it helping my clavicle pain….as she said steroids would heal any inflammation. I’ve barely started my taper, less than a week ago and it’s coming back. All she has done, is X-rays….ill be asking for more imaging ….❤️


Someone else mentioned Actemara, but it’s not FDA approved, so I doubt my Rheumatologist will let me try it. She’s really wanting me to try Kevzara, to help me taper off steroids, but the increase of getting Cancer isn’t something I’m interested in. It has a lot of other potential side effects as well. I did try methotrexate in 2023, but it didn’t work for me. I was on it 6 months and wasn’t able to go below 5mg and the pain was really bad on 5.

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Actemra is FDA approved for inflammatory arthritis, which I have. However, some doctors are able to get approval for use with PMR on certain patients who are having trouble getting off prednisone.

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