Blame, guilt, false hope: Anyone watch "Apple Cider Vinegar"

Posted by nohrt4me @nohrt4me, Feb 13 8:34am

Anyone watch "Apple Cider Vinegar" on Netflix? I thought it was a really engaging dramatization of the Belle Gibson cancer fraud case in Australia.

It also did a great job showing that none of us has cancer in a vacuum. Most of us live in a Western culture that has ideas and attitudes about cancer treatment and cancer patients.

I was especially struck by cancer patient Camilla's reaction to seeing elderly cancer patients at a pool: "They did this to themselves." There is, unfortunately, a lot of blame and even guilt when someone is diagnosed: Did I do something wrong to cause this? Am I a dupe of the "cancer industry" in seeking conventional treatment? Can I turn this around by being extra "good and pure" about diet and exercise? Did treatment fail because I didn't try hard enough to eliminate "negativity"?

My husband and I watched the show together, and it opened up some insights and understanding.

Anyone else have thoughts about the show?

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Haven’t seen it yet, but I will look for it now.


I haven't watched it, but all those thoughts flit through my mind, for sure. I, who has always avoided drugs at all cost, partly due to animal testing, am taking the pharmaceutical Besremi, based on the current science. The other local PV patients I know are all doing alternative treatments that scorn medicine that comes with bad side effects and dangerous black box warnings. Even my acupuncturist warned me that SHE would avoid interferons, tho she would always treat me and respect my right to make up my mind. We are ultimately alone in our choices and just do the best we can, as with food, diet, mindset and exercise. It makes me understand the challenge of people with addictions who have to take it one day at a time. One day at a time.


Whoops, I just spotted weird grammar in my comment! Wish there was an edit option!


Whoops, I just spotted weird grammar in my comment! Wish there was an edit option!

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Initially there is an edit option under ... . It disappears at some point.

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